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Spectroscopic Characterization of Polyaniline Formed by Using Copper(II) in Homogeneousand MCM-41 Molecular Sieve Media
Photoluminescence Enhancement of PEG-Modified YAG:Ce3+ Nanocrystal PhosphorPrepared by Glycothermal Method
Theoretical Studies of the Tautomeric Equilibria for Five-Member N-Heterocycles in theGas Phase and in Solution
Selective Effect of Guest Molecule Length and Hydrogen Bonding on the SupramolecularHost Structure
A Density Functional Theory Study of Molecular and Dissociative Adsorption of H2 onActive Sites in Mordenite
Experimental and Theoretical Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering Study of2-Amino-4-methylbenzothiazole Adsorbed on Colloidal Silver Particles
Quantum Delocalization of Hydrogen in the Li2NH Crystal
Theoretical Studies of the Hydroxide-Catalyzed P−O Cleavage Reactions of NeutralPhosphate Triesters and Diesters in Aqueous Solution: Examination of the ChangesInduced by H/Me Substitution
Adsorption Kinetics, Orientation, and Self-Assembling of N-Acetyl-l-cysteine on Gold: ACombined ATR-IR, PM-IRRAS, and QCM Study
Aggregation between Xanthan and Nonyphenyloxypropyl β-HydroxyltrimethylammoniumBromide in Aqueous Solution: MesoDyn Simulation and Binding Isotherm Measurement
Antimony Dispersion and Phase Evolution in the Sb2O3−Fe2O3 System
In Situ Studies of Phase Transitions in Thin Discotic Films
Functionalization of Solid Surfaces with Thermoresponsive Protein-Resistant Films
Synthesis and Characterization of Nanocapsules with Shells Made up of Al13 Tridecamers
Application of the Hypernetted Chain Approximation to the Electrical Double Layer for 2:1and 1:2 Electrolytes
Novel Approach to Synthesizing Hydrophobically Associating Copolymer Using TemplateCopolymerization: The Synthesis and Behaviors of Acrylamide and4-(ω-Propenoyloxyethoxy) Benzoic Acid Copolymer
Ultralow Energy Ion Beam Surface Modification of Low Density Polyethylene
Double Hydrophilic Block Copolymer Monolayer Protected Hybrid Gold Nanoparticles andTheir Shell Cross-Linking
Oxidation State of Vanadium Introduced in Dealuminated β Zeolite by Impregnation withVIVOSO4 Solution: Influence of Preparation Parameters
2,2,2-Trifluoroethanol-Induced Molten Globule State of Concanavalin A and Energetics of8-Anilinonaphthalene Sulfonate Binding: Calorimetric and Spectroscopic Investigation
Effective Charges of Polyelectrolytes in a Salt-Free Solution Based on Counterion ChemicalPotential
Gas Solubility in Hydrophobic Confinement
Surface Bonding and Dynamical Behavior of the CH3SH Molecule on Au(111)
Determination of the Light-Induced Degradation Rate of the Solar Cell Sensitizer N719 onTiO2 Nanocrystalline Particles
Visible-Light-Induced Degradation of Rhodamine B by Nanosized Bi2WO6
Thermal Characterization and Sensor Applications of One-Dimensional NanostructuresEmploying Microelectromechanical Systems
Microviscosity in Multiple Regions of Complex Aqueous Solutions of Poly(ethyleneoxide)−Poly(propylene oxide)−Poly(ethylene oxide)
Influence of the Environment on Photoinduced Electron Transfer: Comparison betweenOrganized Monolayers at the Air−Water Interface and Monolayer Assemblies on Glass
Electron Paramagnetic Resonance, Scanning Electron Microscopy with Energy DispersionX-ray Spectrometry, X-ray Powder Diffraction, and NMR Characterization of Iron-RichFired Clays
Aromatic Molecules in Restricted Geometries: Photophysics of Naphthalene Included in aCyclodextrin Functionalized Layered Solid
Plasmonic Properties of Film over Nanowell Surfaces Fabricated by NanosphereLithography
DFT and In Situ EXAFS Investigation of Gold/Ceria−Zirconia Low-Temperature WaterGas Shift Catalysts: Identification of the Nature of the Active Form of Gold
Thermodynamic Study of the Effect of Ethanol on Two Amphiphilic Penicillins
A Strategy To Increase the Efficiency of the Dye-Sensitized TiO2 Solar Cells Operated byPhotoexcitation of Dye-to-TiO2 Charge-Transfer Bands
Morphology-Controlled Synthesis of Monodisperse ZnO Troughs at the Air−WaterInterface under Mild Conditions
Factors Influencing the Transport of Short-Chain Alcohols through Mesoporous γ-AluminaMembranes
Isolating Single-Wall Carbon Nanohorns as Small Aggregates through a Dispersion Method
Behavior of Extraframework Fe Sites in MFI and MCM-22 Zeolites upon Interaction withN2O and NO
Spontaneous and Self-Assembled Line Formations on Silicon Substrates with VanadiumPentoxide Sol−Gels
Optical Microscopy and in Situ Raman Scattering of Single Crystalline Ethylene Hydrateand Binary Methane−Ethylene Hydrate at High Pressures
Thermochemical Hole Burning on a Series of N-Substituted Morpholinium7,7,8,8-Tetracyanoquinodimethane Charge-Transfer Complexes for Data Storage
Dodecanethiol-Protected Copper/Silver Bimetallic Nanoclusters and Their SurfaceProperties
Self-Assembly of Two- and Three-Dimensional Particle Arrays by Manipulating theHydrophobicity of Silica Nanospheres
Excited-State Dynamics of Spiropyran-Derived Merocyanine Isomers
DFT Studies of Pt/Au Bimetallic Clusters and Their Interactions with the CO Molecule
High-Pressure-Induced Phase Transitions in Pentaerythritol: X-ray and Raman Studies
Electronic and Ionic Transports for Negative Charge Carriers in Smectic Liquid CrystallinePhotoconductor
Corrosion Inhibitors: Design, Performance, and Computer Simulations
Electronic and Molecular Surface Structure of Ru(tcterpy)(NCS)3 and Ru(dcbpy)2(NCS)2Adsorbed from Solution onto Nanostructured TiO2: A Photoelectron Spectroscopy Study
Porphyrin Effects on Zwitterionic HPS Micelles as Investigated by Small-Angle X-rayScattering (SAXS) and Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR)
Diffusion Coefficient and the Secondary Structure of Poly-l-glutamic Acid in AqueousSolution
The Structure of the Chiral Pt{531} Surface: A Combined LEED and DFT Study
Synthesis and Characterization of a Novel Terthiophene-Based Quinodimethane Bearing a3,4-Ethylenedioxythiophene Central Unit
Structural and Spectroscopic Investigations of Blue, Vanadium-Doped ZrSiO4 PigmentsPrepared by a Sol−Gel Route
Large Distinct Diffusivity in Binary Mixtures Confined to Zeolite NaY
Electronic Properties of n-Type Carbon Nanotubes Prepared by CF4 Plasma Fluorinationand Amino Functionalization
Effect of ω-Hydrogenation on the Adsorption of Fluorononanols at the Hexane/WaterInterface: Miscibility in the Adsorbed Film of Fluorononanols
Reply to “Comment on ‘Molecular DynamicsSimulation of the Liquid/Vapor Interface ofAqueous Ethanol Solutions as a Function ofConcentration'”
Creation of Cadmium Sulfide Nanostructures Using AFM Dip-Pen Nanolithography
Photoinduced Charge Separation and Charge Recombination in the[60]Fullerene−Diphenylbenzothiadiazole−Triphenylamine Triad: Role ofDiphenylbenzothiadiazole as Bridge
Viscoelastic Properties of Isomeric Alkylglucoside Surfactants Studied by SurfaceLight Scattering
Controllable Pt Nanoparticle Deposition on Carbon Nanotubes as an Anode Catalyst forDirect Methanol Fuel Cells
The Bilayer−Vesicle Transition Is Entropy Driven
Study of the Kinetics of the Pancake-to-Brush Transition of Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide)Chains
Continuous Hot Electron Generation in Pt/TiO2, Pd/TiO2, and Pt/GaN Catalytic Nanodiodesfrom Oxidation of Carbon Monoxide
Core/Shell Quantum-Dot-Photosensitized Nano-TiO2 Films: Fabrication and Application tothe Damage of Cells and DNA
A Residue-Pairwise Generalized Born Scheme Suitable for Protein Design Calculations
Efficient Eosin Y Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell Containing Br-/Br3- Electrolyte
Comment on “Molecular Dynamics Simulation ofthe Liquid/Vapor Interface of Aqueous EthanolSolutions as a Function of Concentration”
Electrochemical Characterizations of Nickel Deposition on Aromatic Dithiol Monolayers onGold Electrodes
Acidity of a Cu-Bound Histidine in the Binuclear Center of Cytochrome c Oxidase
Electric Field Effects on Insulin Chain-B Conformation
New Insight into the Solid Electrolyte Interphase with Use of a Focused Ion Beam
Multinuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Studies of the Structuration of the Tunnelsof Sepiolite in the Presence of Intracrystalline Pyridine Molecules
Effects of SWNT and Metallic Catalyst on Hydrogen Absorption/DesorptionPerformance of MgH2
DFT Investigation of CO Adsorption on Pt(211) and Pt(311) Surfaces from Low to HighCoverage
Comparison of the Catalytic Activity of Au3, Au4+, Au5, and Au5- in the Gas-PhaseReaction of H2 and O2 to Form Hydrogen Peroxide: A Density Functional TheoryInvestigation
Reactivity of Benzoyl Chlorides in Nonionic Microemulsions: Potential Application asIndicators of System Properties
Strain-Dependence of the Electronic Properties in Periodic Quadruple Helical G4-Wires
Spectroscopic and Excited-State Properties of Tri-9-anthrylborane III: Crystal andSpectroscopic Polymorphisms
Mechanism of Silver(I)-Assisted Growth of Gold Nanorods and Bipyramids
Electron-Transfer Doping on a (001) Surface of Diamond: Quantum Mechanical Study
Density Functional Theory Study on the First Hyperpolarizabilities of OrganoimidoDerivatives of Hexamolybdates
Decomposition Kinetics of the AlH3 Polymorphs
Controlled Functionalization of Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes with VariousMolecular-Weight Poly(l-lactic acid)
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