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| - Nonequilibrium Potential Function of Chemically Driven Single Macromolecules viaJarzynski-Type Log-Mean-Exponential Heat
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| - Applying the method from recently developed fluctuation theorems to the stochastic dynamics of singlemacromolecules in ambient fluid at constant temperature, we establish two Jarzynski-type equalities: (1)between the log-mean-exponential (LME) of the irreversible heat dissiption of a driven molecule innonequilibrium steady-state (NESS) and ln Pness(x) and (2) between the LME of the work done by the internalforce of the molecule and nonequilibrium chemical potential function μness(x) ≡ U(x) + kBT ln Pness(x), wherePness(x) is the NESS probability density in the phase space of the macromolecule and U(x) is its internalpotential function. Ψ = ∫μness(x) Pness(x) dx is shown to be a nonequilibrium generalization of the Helmholtzfree energy and ΔΨ = ΔU − TΔS for nonequilibrium processes, where S = − kB∫P(x) ln P(x) dx is theGibbs entropy associated with P(x). LME of heat dissipation generalizes the concept of entropy, and theequalities define thermodynamic potential functions for open systems far from equilibrium.
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