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Interaction of Pd and PdCl2 with Cellulose: A Theoretical Investigation
Comparison of UV and Visible Raman Spectroscopy of Bulk Metal Molybdate and MetalVanadate Catalysts
23Na, 29Si, and 13C MAS NMR Investigation of Glass-Forming Reactions between Na2CO3and SiO2
Investigation of Oxygen Reduction Reaction Kinetics at (111)−(100) Nanofaceted PlatinumSurfaces in Acidic Media
Preparation by High-Energy Milling, Characterization, and Catalytic Properties ofNanocrystalline TiO2
Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer in CdSe/ZnS−DNA Conjugates: ProbingHybridization and DNA Cleavage
Effects of Reduction Temperature and Metal−Support Interactions on the CatalyticActivity of Pt/γ-Al2O3 and Pt/TiO2 for the Oxidation of CO in the Presence and Absenceof H2
MD Simulations of the Binding of Alcohols and Diols by a Calixarene in Water: Connections between Microscopic and Macroscopic Properties
High-Quality Ultralong Sb2S3 Nanoribbons on Large Scale
Ionic Limiting Molar Conductivity Calculation of Li-Ion Battery Electrolyte Based on ModeCoupling Theory
A Study of the Redox Properties of MoOx/SiO2
Transition State Ensemble for the Folding of B Domain of Protein A: A Comparison ofDistributed Molecular Dynamics Simulations with Experiments
Spectrophotometric Study of Fluorescence Sensing and Selective Binding of BiochemicalSubstrates by 2,2‘-Bridged Bis(β-cyclodextrin) and Its Water-Soluble Fullerene Conjugate
Monte Carlo Simulation of Equilibrium Reactions at Vapor−Liquid Interfaces
Detecting Protein−Protein Interactions by Isotope-Edited Infrared Spectroscopy: ANumerical Approach
Effect of the Tube Diameter Distribution on the High-Temperature Structural Modificationof Bundled Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes
Novel Mesoporous Mixed Nb−M (M = V, Mo, and Sb) Oxides for OxidativeDehydrogenation of Propane
Photoluminescence Properties and Analysis of Spectral Structure of Eu3+-Doped SrY2O4
Synthesis of Manganese Oxide Electrodes with Interconnected Nanowire Structure as anAnode Material for Rechargeable Lithium Ion Batteries
Hydration of a Synthetic Clay with Tetrahedral Charges: A Multidisciplinary Experimentaland Numerical Study
A Model for the Structure of MCM-41 Incorporating Surface Roughness
Vanadium Oxides on Aluminum Oxide Supports. 1. Surface Termination and Reducibilityof Vanadia Films on α-Al2O3(0001)
Thermolysis of Fluorinated Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes: Identification of GaseousDecomposition Products by Matrix Isolation Infrared Spectroscopy
Nonequilibrium Potential Function of Chemically Driven Single Macromolecules viaJarzynski-Type Log-Mean-Exponential Heat
Iron-Catalyzed Propylene Epoxidation by Nitrous Oxide: Studies on the Effects of AlkaliMetal Salts
Electrochemical Growth of Nickel Hollow Nanostructures on Copper Substrates
Self-Oscillating Soluble−Insoluble Changes of a Polymer Chain Including an OxidizingAgent Induced by the Belousov−Zhabotinsky Reaction
Silver Nanodisks: Optical Properties Study Using the Discrete Dipole ApproximationMethod
Dispersion of Acid-Treated Carbon Nanofibers into Gel Matrices Prepared by the Sol−GelMethod
The Influence of Defects on the Morphology of Si (111) Etched in NH4F
Water's Hydrogen Bonds in the Hydrophobic Effect: A Simple Model
Energy Level Alignment at Metal−Octaethylporphyrin Interfaces
Structural Changes during the Photocycle of Photoactive Yellow Protein Monitored byUltraviolet Resonance Raman Spectra of Tyrosine and Tryptophan
Transport Rates Vary with Deposition Time in Dip-Pen Nanolithography
Fabrication of Interconnected 1D Molecular Lines along and across the Dimer Rows on theSi(100)−(2 × 1)−H Surface through the Radical Chain Reaction
Controllable Template Synthesis of Ni/Cu Nanocable and Ni Nanotube Arrays: A One-StepCoelectrodeposition and Electrochemical Etching Method
Density Functional Theory Study of Water Activation and COads + OHads Reaction on PurePlatinum and Bimetallic Platinum/Ruthenium Nanoclusters
Nature of the Lewis Acid Sites on Molybdenum and Ruthenium Sulfides: An ElectrostaticPotential Study
Vibrational Spectral Simulation for Peptides of Mixed Secondary Structure: MethodComparisons with the Trpzip Model Hairpin
Structural Transitions in Polyriboadenylic Acid Induced by the Changes in pH andTemperature: Vibrational Circular Dichroism Study in Solution and Film States
Molten Salt Route toward the Growth of ZnO Nanowires in Unusual Growth Directions
DNA Ψ-Condensation and Reentrant Decondensation: Effect of the PEG Degree ofPolymerization
Preparation and Characterization of Silica Supported Au−Pd Model Catalysts
Single-Molecule Fluorescence Imaging of the Remote TiO2 Photocatalytic Oxidation
Characterization and Transport Properties of Nafion/Polyaniline Composite Membranes
Study on the Formation of the Ketonic Defects in the Thermal Degradation of Ladder-TypePoly(p-phenylenes) by Vibrational Spectroscopy
Chemiluminescence of CdTe Nanocrystals Induced by Direct Chemical Oxidation and ItsSize-Dependent and Surfactant-Sensitized Effect
Polyphenols Deriving from Chalcones: Investigations of Redox Activities
Hydroxyl Radical and Hydroxide Ion in Liquid Water: A Comparative Electron DensityFunctional Theory Study
Low Temperature Properties of Acetonitrile Confined in MCM-41
Electron-Transfer Dynamics of Photosynthetic Reaction Centers in Thermoresponsive SoftMaterials
Adsorption and Structural Properties of Ordered Mesoporous Carbons Synthesized byUsing Various Carbon Precursors and Ordered Siliceous P6mm and Ia3̄d Mesostructures asTemplates
Molecular Motion of Isolated Linear Alkanes in Nanochannels
Hybrid ab initio VB/MM Method − A Valence Bond Ride through Classical Landscapes
Synthesis of Gold Nanoparticles by Laser Ablation in Toluene: Quenching and Recovery ofthe Surface Plasmon Absorption
Structural and Dynamic Aspects of Hydrogen-Bonded Complexes and Inclusion CompoundsContaining α,ω-Dicyanoalkanes and Urea, Investigated by Solid-State 13C and 2H NMRTechniques
Charging Effects in a CdSe Nanotetrapod
Diluent Effects on the Debye-Type Dielectric Relaxation in Viscous Monohydroxy Alcohols
Second Half-Reaction of Nitric Oxide Synthase: Computational Insights into the InitialStep and Key Proposed Intermediate
Preparation and Nonlinear Optical Properties of Inorganic−Organic Hybrid Films withVarious Substituents on Chromophores
Functionalization of Carbon Nanotubes via Nitrogen Glow Discharge
Entropically Mediated Polyolefin Blend Segregation at Buried Sapphire and Air InterfacesInvestigated by Infrared−Visible Sum Frequency Generation Vibrational Spectroscopy
Nanofaceted Platinum Surfaces: A New Model System for Nanoparticle Catalysts
Novel Structural Motifs in Clusters of Dipolar Spheres: Knots, Links, and Coils
Removing Critical Errors for DFT Applications to Transition-Metal Nanoclusters: CorrectGround-State Structures of Ru Clusters
Electrical Behavior of Molecular Junctions Incorporating α-Helical Peptide
Electrochemical Self-Assembly of Alkanethiolate Molecules on Ni(111) and PolycrystallineNi Surfaces
Vanadium Oxides on Aluminum Oxide Supports. 2. Structure, Vibrational Properties, andReducibility of V2O5 Clusters on α-Al2O3(0001)
Effects of Chain Length and Heat Treatment on the Nanotribology of AlkylsilaneMonolayers Self-Assembled on a Rough Aluminum Surface
Self-Folding of Three-Dimensional Hydrogel Microstructures
Relaxation and Short Time Dynamics of Bulk Liquids and Fluids Confined in SphericalCavities and Slit Pores
Potential Oscillations in Galvanostatic Electrooxidation of Formic Acid on Platinum: ATime-Resolved Surface-Enhanced Infrared Study
Single Molecule Study of Perylene Orange Photobleaching in Thin Sol−Gel Films
Surfactant/Nonionic Copolymer Interaction: A SLS, DLS, ITC, and NMR Investigation
Probing Structure in the Polymorphic Domain of the l-Enantiomer ofN-Benzoyl-Phenylalanine by Means of 2D Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy and DFTCalculations
Effect of a Coadsorbent on the Performance of Dye-Sensitized TiO2 Solar Cells: Shieldingversus Band-Edge Movement
Prediction of the Formation and Stabilities of Energetic Salts and Ionic Liquids Based onab Initio Electronic Structure Calculations
Thermodynamic and Dielectric Studies Concerning the Influence of CylindricalSubmicrometer Confinement on Heptyloxycyanobiphenyl
Unusual Dependence of Particle Architecture on Surfactant Concentration in PartiallyFluorinated Decylpyridinium Templated Silica
Highly Ordered Self-Assembly with Large Area of Fe3O4 Nanoparticles and the MagneticProperties
Ion Pair Formation in Water. Association Constants of Bolaform, BisquaternaryAmmonium, Electrolytes by Chemical Trapping
Effect of the Platinum Content on the Microstructure and Micropore Size Distribution ofPt/Alumina-Pillared Clays
Solubility of Methane in Water: The Significance of the Methane−Water InteractionPotential
Oxygen Reduction at Platinum Monolayer Islands Deposited on Au(111)
Relative Gibbs Energies in Solution through Continuum Models: Effect of the Loss ofTranslational Degrees of Freedom in Bimolecular Reactions on Gibbs Energy Barriers
Local Electronic Structure of Layered LixNi0.5Mn0.5O2 and LixNi1/3Mn1/3Co1/3O2
Formation and Characterization of Crystalline Molecular Arrays of Gas Molecules in a1-Dimensional Ultramicropore of a Porous Copper Coordination Polymer
How Does Surface Modification Aid in the Dispersion of Carbon Nanofibers?
Uniform Gold Nanorod Arrays from Polyethylenimine-Coated Alumina Templates
Dynamic Mechanism of E2020 Binding to Acetylcholinesterase: A Steered MolecularDynamics Simulation
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