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A Theoretical Investigation of the Interactions between Water Molecules and Ionic Liquids
Conductometric Study of Precursor Compound Formation during Wet-Chemical Synthesisof Nanocrystalline Hydroxyapatite
Nucleating Pattern Formation in Spin-Coated Polymer Blend Films with Nanoscale SurfaceTemplates
A Highly Photoconductive Poly(vinylcarbazole)/2,4,7-Trinitro-9-fluorenone Sol−GelMaterial that Follows a Classical Charge-Generation Model
Interactions of O2 with Pd Nanoparticles on α-Al2O3(0001) at Low and High O2 Pressures
Molybdenum Trioxide Nanostructures: The Evolution from Helical Nanosheets to CrosslikeNanoflowers to Nanobelts
Accurate Sizing of Nanoparticles Using Confocal Correlation Spectroscopy
Simultaneous Phase- and Size-Controlled Synthesis of TiO2 Nanorods via Non-HydrolyticSol−Gel Reaction of Syringe Pump Delivered Precursors
Microscopic Inhomogeneity and Ultrafast Orientational Motion in an Organic PhotovoltaicBulk Heterojunction Thin Film Studied with 2D IR Vibrational Spectroscopy
Digital Logic Circuit Based on a Single Molecular System of Salicylidene Schiff Base
Anthramycin−DNA Binding Explored by Molecular Simulations
Alcohol and Proton Transport in Perfluorinated Ionomer Membranes for Fuel Cells
Two-Component Polypeptides Modeled with Effective Pair Potentials
Band Gap Variation in Prussian Blue via Cation-Induced Structural Distortion
Trapping of Charge Carriers in Colloidal Particles of Self-Assembled Films from TiO2 andPoly(vinyl sulfonic acid)
Quantum Chemical Analysis of Electronic Structure and n- and p-Type Charge Transportin Perfluoroarene-Modified Oligothiophene Semiconductors
Enhanced Intra-Aggregate Charge Separation from Binary Excitons in Mixed J-Aggregatesof Cyanine Dyes
Electron-Transfer Reactions with Significant Changes in Structure. UnsymmetricalCrowded Ethylenes
Theoretical Study of CCl4 Adsorption and Hydrogenation on a Pt (111) Surface
Is the Band Gap of Pristine TiO2 Narrowed by Anion- and Cation-Doping of TitaniumDioxide in Second-Generation Photocatalysts?
MnS Hierarchical Hollow Spheres with Novel Shell Structure
Photoisomerization of Azobenzene Derivatives in Nanostructured Silica
Excited State Dynamics and Nonlinear Absorption of a Pyrazinoporphyrazine MacrocycleCarrying Externally Appended Pyridine Rings
Structural and Electronic Characterization of the Complexes Obtained by the Interactionbetween Bare and Hydrated First-Row Transition-Metal Ions (Mn2+, Fe2+, Co2+, Ni2+,Cu2+, Zn2+) and Glycine
Nanoscale Current Modulations in Pr0.7Ca0.3MnO3 Thin Films
Transition between Icosahedral and Cuboctahedral Nanoclusters of Lead
Structural Disorder of the CD3ζ Transmembrane Domain Studied with 2D IR Spectroscopyand Molecular Dynamics Simulations
Local and Network Structure of Thermoreversible Polyrotaxane Hydrogels Based onPoly(ethylene glycol) and Methylated α-Cyclodextrins
MnO Octahedral Nanocrystals and MnO@C Core−Shell Composites: Synthesis,Characterization, and Electrocatalytic Properties
Novel Bifunctional Viologen-Linked Pyrene Conjugates: Synthesis and Study of TheirInteractions with Nucleosides and DNA
Ultrafast Electron Transfer in Photosynthesis: Reduced Pheophytin and QuinoneInteraction Mediated by Conical Intersections
Aggregated CdS Quantum Dots: Host of Biomolecular Ligands
Solubility of Hydrogen in PdAg and PdAu Binary Alloys Using Density Functional Theory
Enzyme Dynamics and Tunneling Enhanced by Compression in the Hydrogen AbstractionCatalyzed by Soybean Lipoxygenase-1
Interpreting DNA Vibrational Circular Dichroism Spectra Using a Coupling Model fromTwo-Dimensional Infrared Spectroscopy
EPR and DFT Study on the Stabilization of Radiation-Generated Methyl Radicals inDehydrated Na-A Zeolite
Determination of Carbon Nanotube Density by Gradient Sedimentation
Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Polyelectrolyte−Polyampholyte Complexes. Effect ofSolvent Quality and Salt Concentration
Controlled Synthesis, Characterization, and Catalytic Properties of Mn2O3 and Mn3O4Nanoparticles Supported on Mesoporous Silica SBA-15
Conduction Mechanism of Aviram−Ratner Rectifiers with Single Pyridine−σ−C60Oligomers
A Computational Investigation of the Different Intermediates during OrganoalkoxysilaneHydrolysis
Polymer−Surfactant Layered Heterostructures by Electropolymerization of Phenosafraninein Langmuir−Blodgett Films
Electrochemical Fabrication of Two-Dimensional Palladium Nanostructures as Substratesfor Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering
Crystallization Behaviors of Poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) and Poly(l-lactic acid) in TheirImmiscible and Miscible Blends
Photocatalytic Activity of a Bi-Based Oxychloride Bi3O4Cl
Diphenyloligothiophene-Based Dichromophoric Macrocycles and Their Ability to FormDonor/Acceptor Complexes
Effect of Salt Identity on the Phase Diagram for a Globular Protein in Aqueous ElectrolyteSolution
Synthesis and Characterization of Highly Magnetized Nanocrystalline Co30Fe70 Alloy byChemical Reduction
Energy and Charge Transfer Dynamics in Fully Decorated Benzyl Ether Dendrimers andTheir Disubstituted Analogues
A Thermodynamic Model for the Shape and Stability of Twinned Nanostructures
Water Adsorption and Diffusion on NaCl(100)
Structure, Wrinkling, and Reversibility of Langmuir Monolayers of Gold Nanoparticles
Preparation of Carbon-Supported Core−Shell Au−Pt Nanoparticles for MethanolOxidation Reaction: The Promotional Effect of the Au Core
Catalytically Driven Colloidal Patterning and Transport
Hybrid Junctions of Zinc(II) and Magnesium(II) Phthalocyanine with Wide-Band-GapSemiconductor Nano-oxides: Spectroscopic and Photoelectrochemical Characterization
Laser Ablation Condensation, Coalescence, and Phase Change of Dense γ-Al2O3 Particles
Highly Ordered Superlattices from Polydisperse Ag Nanoparticles: A Comparative Studyof Fractionation and Self-Correction
Role of Triple Bond in 1,2-Diphenylacetylene Crystal: A Combined Experimental andTheoretical Study
Calculation of Equilibrium Compositions of Systems of Enzyme-Catalyzed Reactions
On the Unusual Stability of Valence Anions of Thymine Based on Very Rare Tautomers: AComputational Study
Methane Oxidation Mechanism on Pt(111): A Cluster Model DFT Study
Controllable Synthesis and Enhanced Electrochemical Properties of MultifunctionalAucoreCo3O4shell Nanocubes
Electrodeposition of Poly(N-vinylcarbazole) at the Three-Phase Junction. Formation of VeryDifferent Polymer Structures
Density Functional Theory Study of the β-Carotene Radical Cation and DeprotonatedRadicals
SCRF-DFT and NMR Comparison of Tetracycline and 5a,6-Anhydrotetracycline in Solution
A Novel, Sensitive Potentiometric Hydrocarbon Sensor for High-Vacuum Applications
Metal Acetylacetonate Domains Grown on H-Terminated Porous Silicon at RoomTemperature and Their Specific I−V Behavior
Calorimetric and Dynamic Light-Scattering Investigation of Cationic Surfactant−DNAComplexes
Effect of Substrate Surface on Dewetting Behavior and Chain Orientation ofSemicrystalline Block Copolymer Thin Films
Self-Assembled Monolayers of Ferrocene-Substituted Biphenyl Ethynyl Thiols on Gold
Quenching of IR Luminescence of Erbium, Neodymium, and Ytterbium β-DiketonateComplexes by Ligand C−H and C−D Bonds
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