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Interaction between Coated Graphite Nanoparticles by Molecular Simulation
Nanoparticle-Free Synthesis of Fluorescent Gold Nanoclusters at Physiological Temperature
Magnetic Particles as Labels in Bioassays: Interactions between a Biotinylated GoldSubstrate and Streptavidin Magnetic Particles
Synthesis, Growth Mechanism, and Work Function at Highly Oriented {001} Surfaces ofBismuth Sulfide Microbelts
Lucigenin Chemiluminescence Induced by Noble Metal Nanoparticles in the Presence ofAdsorbates
ZnS/Silica Nanocable Field Effect Transistors as Biological and Chemical Nanosensors
The Role of Metal Contact in the Sensitivity of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes to NO2
Structures and Stability of Ferrocene Derivative Monolayers on Ag(110): ScanningTunneling Microscopy Study
Carbon Materials with Unusual Morphologies and Their Formation Mechanism
Toward the In Situ Remediation of Carbon Deposition on Ru-Capped Multilayer MirrorsIntended for EUV Lithography: Exploiting the Electron-Induced Chemistry
Selectivity of Direct Ethanol Fuel Cell Dictated by a Unique Partial Oxidation Channel
Reverse Hydrogen Spillover onto Zeolite-Supported Metal Clusters: An Embedded ClusterDensity Functional Study of Models M6 (M = Rh, Ir, or Au)
Orientation of 1-Dodecyl-4-phenylpyridinium Ions Constituting an Ionic Liquid at the IonicLiquid|Water Interface Studied by Second Harmonic Generation
Three-Dimensionally Ordered Macroporous Gold Structure as an Efficient Matrix forSolid-State Electrochemiluminescence of Ru(bpy)32+/TPA System with High Sensitivity
The c(4 × 2) Structure of Short- and Intermediate-Chain Length AlkanethiolateMonolayers on Au(111): A DFT Study
Hydrogen Bridging Characterization in the Polynuclear La2MgNi2H8 Hydride
Highly Luminescent YVO4−Eu3+ Nanocrystals Coating on Wirelike Y(OH)3−Eu3+ andY2O3−Eu3+ Microcrystals by Chemical Corrosion
Computational Design of a Rectifying Diode Made by Interconnecting Carbon Nanotubeswith Peptide Linkages
Friendly Conditions Synthesis of Platinum Nanoparticles Supported on a ConductingPolymer: Methanol Electrooxidation
MnGa2O4 and Zn-doped MnGa2O4 1-Dimensional Nanostructures
Adsorption Kinetics in a Dual-Inlet Channel Flow Cell: II. Cetyl Pyridinium Chloride onMethyl and Methyl Ether Surfaces
pH Sensitivity of Gallium Arsenide (GaAs) Electrodes Functionalized withMethyl−mercaptobiphenyl Monolayers
Hydrogen Oxidation Reaction on Pt in Acidic Media: Adsorption Isotherm andActivation Free Energies
Direct XPS Evidence for Charge Transfer from a Reduced RutileTiO2(110) Surface to Au Clusters
Molecular Dynamics of Ice-Nanotube Formation Inside Carbon Nanotubes
Surface-Enhanced Vibrational and TPD Study of Nitroaniline Isomers
Asymmetric Selectivity of Synthetic Conical Nanopores Probed by Reversal PotentialMeasurements
Using a Streak Camera to Resolve the Motion of Molecular Excited States with PicosecondTime Resolution and 150 nm Spatial Resolution
Optical Parameter to Reveal the Interplay between Covalent Functionalization and theState of Aggregation of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes
Photoswitchable Semiconductor Bismuth Sulfide (Bi2S3) Nanowires andTheir Self-Supported Nanowire Arrays
Study of Multicenter Redox Molecules with Square Wave Voltammetry
Nature of Galvanoluminescence of Oxide Films Formed by Aluminum Anodization inInorganic Electrolytes
Oxygen Basicity in Alkaline Cation-Exchanged Zeolite and the Effect of IsomorphousSubstitution. Use of Hard Descriptors
Characterizing Chemically Reactive Thin Layers: Surface Reaction of[2-[4-(Chlorosulfonyl)phenyl]ethyl]trichlorosilane with Ammonia
Quantum Chemical Modeling of the Oxidation of Dihydroanthracene by the BiomimeticNonheme Iron Catalyst [(TMC)FeIV(O)]2+
One-step Polyol Synthesis and Langmuir−Blodgett Monolayer Formation of Size-tunableMonodisperse Rhodium Nanocrystals with Catalytically Active (111) Surface Structures
Thin Films of Single-Crystalline SrTiO3 Nanorod Arrays andTheir Surface Wettability Conversion
Electrocatalytic Reactivity of Pd Monolayers and Monatomic Chains on Au
Local Chemical Environment of Pr3+ Substitutional Defects in Bulk and NanocrystallineGd3Ga5O12: A Joint EXAFS and Luminescence Study
Improved Hydrogen Storage of LiBH4 Catalyzed Magnesium
Theoretical Study of the Electronic Structure of GaAs Nanotubes
Adsorption Kinetics in a Dual-Inlet Channel Flow Cell: I. Cetyl Pyridinium Chloride onHydrophilic Silica
Lead Phthalocyanine Films by Near Edge X-ray Absorption Fine Structure Spectroscopy
Redox Catalysis on “Naked” Silver Nanoparticles
Controllable Synthesis of CuS Nanostructures from Self-Assembled Precursors withBiomolecule Assistance
Interaction of NO with RuO2(110) Surface: A First Principles Study
Polymer Adsorption on Curved Surfaces: A Geometric Approach
Detailed Mechanism for CO Oxidation on AuNi3(111) Extended Surface: A DensityFunctional Theory Study
Chemisorption of Sulfur and Sulfur-Based Simple Molecules on Au(111)
Quantum-Chemical Interpretation of Current-Induced Forces on Adatoms on CarbonNanotubes
Polypyrrole Coating of Tartaric Acid-Assisted Synthesized Bi2S3 Nanorods
Electrical Behavior of Ferromagnetic BiMn-Codoped ZnO Bicrystal Nanobelts to PtContacts
ZnFe2O4 Nanocrystals: Synthesis and Magnetic Properties
Well-Ordered Structure at Ionic Liquid/Rutile (110) Interface
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