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Sustained Release Control via Photo-Cross-Linking ofPolyelectrolyte Layer-by-Layer Hollow Capsules
Block Copolymers of Ethylene Oxide and Phenyl GlycidylEther: Micellization, Gelation, and Drug Solubilization
Electrochemical Properties of Monolayer-Protected Au andPd Nanoparticles Extracted from within DendrimerTemplates
Combinatorial Approach To Study Enzyme/SurfaceInteractions
Effect of Positively Charged Short Peptides on Stability ofCubic Phases of Monoolein/Dioleoylphosphatidic AcidMixtures
Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering on Dendrimer/Metallic Nanoparticle Layer-by-Layer Film Substrates
Rheological Behavior of Water-in-Oil Emulsions Stabilizedby Hydrophobic Bentonite Particles
Direct Comparison of Atomic Force Microscopic and TotalInternal Reflection Microscopic Measurements in thePresence of Nonadsorbing Polyelectrolytes
Chemical Force Microscopy Study of Adhesive Propertiesof Polypropylene Films: Influence of Surface Polarity andMedium
Parabolic Focal Conics in Self-Assembled Solid Films ofCellulose Nanocrystals
Preparation of Highly Uniform Ag/TiO2 and Au/TiO2Supported Nanoparticle Catalysts by Photodeposition
Reversible Aggregation/Deaggregation of GoldNanoparticles Induced by a Cleavable Dithiol Linker
Oil Core/Polymer Shell Microcapsules by Internal PhaseSeparation from Emulsion Droplets. II: Controlling theRelease Profile of Active Molecules
Horseradish Peroxidase Activity in a Reverse CatanionicMicroemulsion
Synthesis and Purification of Oxide NanoparticleDispersions by Modified Emulsion Precipitation
Role Reversal in a Supramolecular Assembly: a ChiralCyanine Dye Controls the Helicity of a Peptide−NucleicAcid Duplex
Perturbation of Nanoscale Structure of PolypeptideMultilayer Thin Films
Dip-Pen Patterning and Surface Assembly of PeptideAmphiphiles
Ligand Heterogeneity on Monolayer-Protected GoldClusters
Urea Photosynthesis inside Polyelectrolyte Capsules: Effect of Confined Media
Stability of Microfabricated High Aspect Ratio Structuresin Poly(dimethylsiloxane)
Properties of Polyaniline/Carbon Nanotube MultilayerFilms in Neutral Solution and Their Application for StableLow-Potential Detection of Reduced β-NicotinamideAdenine Dinucleotide
Grand Canonical Monte Carlo Simulation Study ofMethane Adsorption at an Open Graphite Surface and inSlitlike Carbon Pores at 273 K
Composite Polymer Nanofibers with Carbon Nanotubesand Titanium Dioxide Particles
Synthesis and Characterization of Periodic MesoporousOrganosilicas as Anion Exchange Resins for PerrhenateAdsorption
A New Phase of the c(4 × 2) Superstructure ofAlkanethiols Grown by Vapor Phase Deposition on Gold
Novel Two-Dimensional “Ring and Chain” Morphologies inLangmuir−Blodgett Monolayers of PS-b-PEO BlockCopolymers: Effect of Spreading Solution Concentrationon Self-Assembly at the Air−Water Interface
Spectroscopic Studies of the Intermolecular Interactionsof Congo Red and Tinopal CBS with ModifiedCellulose Fibers
Nonadditivity of Polymeric and Charged SurfaceInteractions: Consequences for Doped Lamellar Phases
Morphology of Rhenium Complex-ContainingPolystyrene-block-poly(4-vinylpyridine) and Its Use asSelf-Assembly Templates for Nanoparticles
Surface Chemistry Studies of (CdSe)ZnS Quantum Dots atthe Air−Water Interface
Electrospun Poly(Styrene-block-dimethylsiloxane) BlockCopolymer Fibers Exhibiting Superhydrophobicity
Morphology and Mechanical Properties of SurfactantAggregates at Water−Silica Interfaces: MolecularDynamics Simulations
Photoinduced Electron Transfer in Langmuir−BlodgettMonolayers of Porphyrin−Fullerene Dyads
Real Space Structure of Opaque Gel
Fabrication of Polymer Langmuir−Blodgett FilmsContaining Regioregular Poly(3-hexylthiophene) forApplication to Field-Effect Transistor
Physical and Chemical Adsorption of Mucor javanicusLipase on SBA-15 Mesoporous Silica. Synthesis, StructuralCharacterization, and Activity Performance
Protective Effects of Small Amounts ofBis(2-ethylhexyl)sulfosuccinate on the Helical Structuresof Human and Bovine Serum Albumins in Their ThermalDenaturations
Effect of Surfactant on Interfacial Gas Transfer Studied byAxisymmetric Drop Shape Analysis−Captive Bubble(ADSA-CB)
High-Performance Field-Effect Transistors Based onLangmuir−Blodgett Films of Cyclo[8]pyrrole
Large-Domain Colloidal Crystal Films Fabricated Using aFluidic Cell
Influence of a Fluorescent Probe on the Nanostructure ofPhospholipid Membranes: DipalmitoylphosphatidylcholineInterfacial Monolayers
Selective, Controllable, and Reversible Aggregation ofPolystyrene Latex Microspheres via DNA Hybridization
Interfacial Interaction between Dextran Sulfate and LipidMonolayers: An Electrochemical Study
Decoration of Discretely Immobilized Cowpea MosaicVirus with Luminescent Quantum Dots
Interfacial Friction of Surfaces Grafted with One- andTwo-Component Self-Assembled Monolayers
Direct Visualization of Colloidal Rod Assembly by ConfocalMicroscopy
Anodic Electrodeposition of NiTSPP from Aqueous BasicMedia
Analysis of Interpenetrating Polymer Networks via QuartzCrystal Microbalance with Dissipation Monitoring
Architectural and Structural Optimization of theProtective Polymer Layer for Enhanced Targeting
Inkjet-Printed Monolayers as Platforms for TetheredPolymers
Antigen Binding Forces of Single Antilysozyme FvFragments Explored by Atomic Force Microscopy
Molecular Dynamics Simulation Study of the Role ofEvenly Spaced Poly(ethylene oxide) Tethers on theAggregation of C60 Fullerenes in Water
Diffusioosmosis of Electrolyte Solutions along a ChargedPlane Wall
Competitive Self-Assembly of Symmetrical, DifunctionalMolecules on Ambient Copper Surfaces
Prediction of the Orientations of Adsorbed Protein Usingan Empirical Energy Function with Implicit Solvation
Lyotropic Phases Reinforced by Hydrogen Bonding
Transport of Nanoscale Latex Spheres in a TemperatureGradient
Comprehensive Examination of Mesophases Formed byDMPC and DHPC Mixtures
Protein Micropatterning Using Surfaces Modified bySelf-Assembled Polystyrene Microspheres
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