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Pressure-Induced Protein Unfolding in the Ternary SystemAOT−Octane−Water Is Different from that in Bulk Water
Theoretical Studies of the Early Stage CoagulationKinetics for a Charged Colloidal Dispersion
Interaction of Catechol and Gallic Acid with TitaniumDioxide in Aqueous Suspensions. 1. Equilibrium Studies
Synthesis and Reactivity of Dimethyl Gold ComplexesSupported on MgO: Characterization by Infrared andX-ray Absorption Spectroscopies
Acetone and Water on TiO2(110): H/D Exchange
Preservation of Bone Collagen from the Late CretaceousPeriod Studied by Immunological Techniques and AtomicForce Microscopy
Aggregation Behavior of Latex Particles in Shear FlowConfined between Two Parallel Plates
Dense Monolayers of Metal-Chelating Ligands CovalentlyAttached to Carbon Electrodes Electrochemically andTheir Useful Application in Affinity Binding ofHistidine-Tagged Proteins
Stability of Lipid Films Formed on γ-AminopropylMonolayers
Water−N,N-Dimethylformamide AlkyltrimethylammoniumBromide Micellar Solutions: Thermodynamic, Structural,and Kinetic Studies
Tethered or Adsorbed Supported Lipid Bilayers inNanotubes Characterized by Deuterium Magic AngleSpinning NMR Spectroscopy
Atomic Force Microscopy Study for SupermolecularMicrostructures in Side-Chain Liquid CrystallinePolymer Films
In Situ Reaction Mechanism Studies on the Atomic LayerDeposition of Al2O3 from (CH3)2AlCl and Water
Photocatalytic TiO2/Glass Nanoflake Array Films
Effects of Deformability, Uneven Surface ChargeDistributions, and Multipole Moments on BiocolloidElectrophoretic Migration
Self-Organization of Polystyrenes into OrderedMicrostructured Films and Their Replication by SoftLithography
Superhydrophobic and Lipophobic Properties ofSelf-Organized Honeycomb and Pincushion Structures
Kinetics of Lamellar-to-Cubic and Intercubic PhaseTransitions of Pure and Cytochrome c ContainingMonoolein Dispersions Monitored by Time-ResolvedSmall-Angle X-ray Diffraction
Phase Behavior of 2,3-Disubstituted Methyl OctadecanoateMonolayers at the Air−Water Interface
Electric Field Induced Instability and Pattern Formationin Thin Liquid Films
Reactions of Nitrogen and Oxygen Surface Groups inNanoporous Carbons under Inert and ReducingAtmospheres
Multivalent Ion/Polyelectrolyte Exchange Processes inExponentially Growing Multilayers
Detailed Structure of Hairy Mixed Micelles Formed byPhosphatidylcholine and PEGylated Phospholipids inAqueous Media
Adsorption States of Dialkyl Ditelluride AutooxidizedMonolayers on Au(111)
Acetone and Water on TiO2(110): Competition for Sites
Nonwetting Process for Achieving SurfaceFunctionalization of Chemically StablePoly(tetrafluoroethylene)
Graft Polymerization from a Silica Surface Initiated byAdsorbed Peroxide Macroinitiators. I. Adsorption andStructure of the Adsorbed Layer of PeroxideMacroinitiators on a Silica Surface
Molecular Restructuring at Poly(n-butyl methacrylate) andPoly(methyl methacrylate) Surfaces Due to Compressionby a Sapphire Prism Studied by Infrared−Visible SumFrequency Generation Vibrational Spectroscopy
Highly Selective Directed Assembly of FunctionalActomyosin on Au Surfaces
Chitosan-Mediated and Spatially SelectiveElectrodeposition of Nanoscale Particles
Structural Study of DNA Condensation Induced by NovelPhosphorylcholine-Based Copolymers for Gene Deliveryand Relevance to DNA Protection
Effect of Nanostructure on the Properties of Water at theWater−Hydrophobic Interface: A Molecular DynamicsSimulation
Three-Dimensionally Ordered Porous MembranesPrepared via Self-Assembly and Reverse Micelle Formationfrom Well-Defined Amphiphilic Block Copolymers
Application of Direct Covalent Molecular Assembly in theFabrication of Polyimide Ultrathin Films
Synthesis of Core/Shell Nanoparticles of Au/CdSe viaAu−Cd Bialloy Precursor
Odd−Even Effect of the Methylene Chain Number in theTemplate Polymerization of α,β-DiacetylenecarboxylatesIncorporated in Layered Double Hydroxide Clay
Self-Assembled Photoresponsive AmphiphilicDiphenylaminofluorene−C60 Conjugate Vesicles in AqueousSolution
Formation of a Tetra-σ-Bonded Intermediate inAcetylethyne Binding on Si(100)-2 × 1
Spatially Resolved Imaging of Inhomogeneous ChargeTransfer Behavior in Polymorphous Molybdenum Oxide.I. Correlation of Localized Structural, Electronic, andChemical Properties Using Conductive Probe AtomicForce Microscopy and Raman Microprobe Spectroscopy
Preparation of Highly Exfoliated Epoxy/ClayNanocomposites by “Slurry Compounding”: Process andMechanisms
A Dual Electrolyte H2/O2 Planar MembranelessMicrochannel Fuel Cell System with Open CircuitPotentials in Excess of 1.4 V
Electrokinetics of Diffuse Soft Interfaces. 2. Analysis Basedon the Nonlinear Poisson−Boltzmann Equation
Reentrant Morphological Transitions in CopolymerMicelles with pH-Sensitive Corona
Electrically Anisotropic Thin Films Consisting ofPolymeric and Metallic Nanolayers from Self-AssembledLamellae of Diblock Copolymers
Substitution and Condensation Reactions withPoly(anilineboronic acid): Reactivity and Characterizationof Thin Films
Coating Noble Metal Nanocrystals (Ag, Au, Pd, and Pt) onPolystyrene Spheres via Ultrasound Irradiation
Cast Thin Film Biosensor Design Based on a NafionBackbone, a Multiwalled Carbon Nanotube Conduit, and aGlucose Oxidase Function
Microfluidic Platform for the Generation of Organic-PhaseMicroreactors
Surface-Induced Unfolding of Human Lactoferrin
Structural Characteristics and Growth of PentagonalSilver Nanorods Prepared by a Surfactant Method
AFM Study of Micelle Chaining in Surface Films ofPolystyrene-block-Poly(ethylene oxide) Stars at theAir/Water Interface
Thermally Cleavable Surfactants Based onFuran−Maleimide Diels−Alder Adducts
Determination of the Electronic Structure ofSelf-Assembled l-Cysteine/Au Interfaces UsingPhotoemission Spectroscopy
Comment on Pseudopartial Wetting and PrecursorFilm Growth in Immiscible Metal Systems
Nanocrystalline Hydroxyapatite: Micelle TemplatedSynthesis and Characterization
Super-Stoichiometric Charge Neutralization inParticle−Polyelectrolyte Systems
Shear Rheology of Lyotropic Liquid Crystals:A Case Study
Modeling of Temperature-Programmed DesorptionThermograms for the Determination of Adsorption HeatConsidering Pore and Surface Diffusion
SANS Study of the Interactions among DNA, a CationicSurfactant, and Polystyrene Latex Particles
Grafted Self-Assembled Monolayers Derived fromNaturally Occurring Phenolic Lipids
Scattering Structure Factor of Colloidal GelsCharacterized by Static Light Scattering, Small-AngleLight Scattering, and Small-Angle Neutron ScatteringMeasurements
Synthesis of Microtubes with a Surface of “House ofCards” Structure via Needlelike Particles and Control ofTheir Pore Size
Single-Crystal-like Materials by the Self-Assembly ofCube-Shaped Lead Zirconate Titanate (PZT) Microcrystals
Photochemical Modification and Patterning of PolymerSurfaces by Surface Adsorption of Photoactive BlockCopolymers
Varying the Counterions at a Charged Interface
Underpotential Deposition of Hydrogen onBenzene-Modified Pt(111) in Aqueous H2SO4
An NMR Study of Translational Diffusion and StructuralAnisotropy in Magnetically Alignable Nonionic SurfactantMesophases
Surface-Induced Conformational Changes inPoly(3-hexylthiophene) Monolayer Films
Spatially Resolved Imaging of Inhomogeneous ChargeTransfer Behavior in Polymorphous Molybdenum Oxide.II. Correlation of Localized Coloration/Insertion PropertiesUsing Spectroelectrochemical Microscopy
Surface-Initiated Atom Transfer Radical Polymerizationfrom Halogen-Terminated Si(111) (Si−X, X = Cl, Br)Surfaces for the Preparation of Well-Defined Polymer−SiHybrids
On Numerical Classification of Solution AdsorptionIsotherms
Reply to Comment on Pseudopartial Wetting andPrecursor Film Growth in Immiscible MetalSystems
Inversion of Silica-Stabilized Emulsions Induced byParticle Concentration
A Comparative Langmuir−Blodgett Study on a Set ofCovalently Linked Porphyrin-Based Amphiphiles: ADetailed Atomic Force Microscopic Study
Fabrication of Chiral Langmuir−Schaefer Films of AchiralAmphiphilic Schiff Base Derivatives through an InterfacialOrganization
A Prediction Method for the Isoelectric Point of BinaryProtein Mixtures of Bovine Serum Albumin and LysozymeAdsorbed on Colloidal Titania and Alumina Particles
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