| - The thermal decomposition of hydroxyl-terminated generation-4 polyamidoamine dendrimer (G4OH)films deposited on Au surfaces has been compared with decomposition of the same dendrimer encapsulatingan ∼40-atom Pt particle (Pt−G4OH). Infrared absorption reflection spectroscopy studies showed that,when the films were heated in air to various temperatures up to 275 °C, the disappearance of the amidevibrational modes occurred at lower temperature for the Pt−G4OH film. Dendrimer decomposition wasalso investigated by thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) in both air and argon atmospheres. For the G4OHdendrimer, complete decomposition was achieved in air at 500 °C, while decomposition of the Pt−G4OHdendrimer was completed at 400 °C, leaving only platinum metal behind. In a nonoxidizing argon atmosphere,a greater fraction of the G4OH decomposed below 300 °C, but all of the dendrimer fragments were notremoved until heating above 550 °C. In contrast, Pt−G4OH decomposition in argon was similar to thatin air, except that decomposition occurred at temperatures ∼15 °C higher. Thermal decomposition of thedendrimer films on Au surfaces was also studied by temperature programmed desorption (TPD) and X-rayphotoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) under ultrahigh vacuum conditions. Heating the G4OH films to 250 °Cduring the TPD experiment induced the desorption of large dendrimer fragments at 55, 72, 84, 97, 127,146, and 261 amu. For the Pt−G4OH films, mass fragments above 98 amu were not observed at anytemperature, but much greater intensities for H2 desorption were detected compared to that of the G4OHfilm. XPS studies of the G4OH films demonstrated that significant bond breaking in the dendrimer didnot occur until temperatures above 250 °C and heating to 450 °C caused dissociation of CO, C−O, andC−N bonds. For the Pt−G4OH dendrimer films, carbon−oxygen and carbon−nitrogen bond scission wasobserved at room temperature, and further decomposition to atomic species occurred after heating to 450°C. All of these results are consistent with the fact that the Pt particles inside the G4OH dendrimercatalyze thermal decomposition, allowing dendrimer decomposition to occur at lower temperatures. However,the Pt particles also catalyze bond scission within the dendrimer fragments so that decomposition of thedendrimer to gaseous hydrogen is the dominant reaction pathway compared to desorption of the largerdendrimer fragments observed in the absence of Pt particles.