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Development of a Regenerable Cell Culture System ThatSenses and Releases Dead Cells
Adsorption of Aqueous Metal Ions on Oxygen and NitrogenFunctionalized Nanoporous Activated Carbons
Self-Assembled Magnetic Nanowires Made Irreversibleby Polymer Bridging
Effect of Molecular Surface Packing on the EnzymaticActivity Modulation of an Anchored Protein onPhospholipid Langmuir Monolayers
Correlation between Mechanical Behavior of Protein Filmsat the Air/Water Interface and Intrinsic Stability ofProtein Molecules
Assembly of Highly Aligned DNA Strands onto Si Chips
The Internal Dynamic Modes of Charged Self-AssembledPeptide Fibrils
First Preparation of Biotinylated Gradient PolyethyleneSurface to Bind Photoactive Caged Streptavidin
Vibration-Actuated Drop Motion on Surfaces for BatchMicrofluidic Processes
Force Microscopy Studies of Fibronectin Adsorption andSubsequent Cellular Adhesion to Substrates withWell-Defined Surface Chemistries
Analysis of the Microfluid Flow in an Evaporating SessileDroplet
TPD and FT-IRAS Investigation of Ethylene Oxide (EtO)Adsorption on a Au(211) Stepped Surface
In Situ Dynamic Monitoring of Electrochemical OxidativeAdsorption and Reductive Desorption Processes of aSelf-Assembled Monolayer of Hexanethiol on a Au(111)Surface in KOH Ethanol Solution by Scanning TunnelingMicroscopy
Single Microgel Particle Studies Demonstrate theInfluence of Hydrophobic Interactions between ChargedMicelles and Oppositely Charged Polyions
Photocatalytic Polypyrrole−TiO2−NanoparticlesComposite Thin Film Generated at the Air−WaterInterface
Displacement of Molecules near a Metal Surface as Seen byan SPR−SPFS Biosensor
Large-Scale Synthesis of High-Quality Ultralong CopperNanowires
Electrowetting Dynamics of Microfluidic Actuation
X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy To Probe SurfaceComposition and Surface Deprotection in PhotoresistFilms
Experimental Study of Entrainment and Drainage Flows inMicroscale Soap Films
Dissolution and Swelling Behaviors of Random andCross-Linked Methacrylic Acid−Ethyl Acrylate Copolymers
Analysis of the Effects of Marangoni Stresses on theMicroflow in an Evaporating Sessile Droplet
31P and 1H NMR as Probes of Domain Alignment in a RigidCrystalline Surfactant Mesophase
Adsorption of Acicular Particles at Liquid−FluidInterfaces and the Influence of the Line Tension
Controlled Crystallization of CaCO3 on HyperbranchedPolyglycerol Adsorbed to Self-Assembled Monolayers
Kinetic Modeling of Aldehyde Adsorption Rates on Bareand Aminopropylsilyl-Modified Silica Gels byUltra-Rapid-Scanning Fourier Transform InfraredSpectrometry
Continuous Fabrication of Biocatalyst ImmobilizedMicroparticles Using Photopolymerization and ImmiscibleLiquids in Microfluidic Systems
Etching of Carbon Nanotubes by OzoneA Surface AreaStudy
Liquid Crystalline Mesophases of Pluronics (L64, P65, andP123) and Transition Metal Nitrate Salts ([M(H2O)6](NO3)2)
Molecular Simulation Study of the Effect of Pressure onthe Vapor−Liquid Interface of the Square-Well Fluid
Low Molecular Weight Organogels Based on Long-ChainCarbamates
Energy Transfer between Chlorophyll Derivatives in SilicaMesostructured Films and Photocurrent Generation
Charge Limits on Droplets during Evaporation
Use of a Mesoporous Material for Organic Synthesis
Measurement of the Kinetics of Photo-Oxidation ofSelf-Assembled Monolayers Using Friction ForceMicroscopy
Surface Enzyme Kinetics for Biopolymer Microarrays: aCombination of Langmuir and Michaelis−Menten Concepts
Amphiphilic ABC Triblock Copolymer-Assisted Synthesisof Core/Shell Structured CdTe Nanowires
Comparative Study of the Adhesion, Friction, andMechanical Properties of CF3- and CH3-TerminatedAlkanethiol Monolayers
Ultralow Interfacial Tension for Enhanced Oil Recovery atVery Low Surfactant Concentrations
Pore Size Engineering in Mesoporous Silicas UsingSupercritical CO2
Carbon Dioxide Emulsion Assisted Loading of PolymerMicrospheres toward Sustained Release Materials
The Adsorption of C4 Unsaturated Hydrocarbons on HighlyDehydrated Silica. An IR-Spectroscopic andThermodynamic Study
Nanoscale Patterning of Alkyl Monolayers on Silicon Usingthe Atomic Force Microscope
Nonaqueous Suspensions of Laponite and Montmorillonite
Flocculation with Poly(ethylene oxide)/Tyrosine-RichPolypeptide Complexes
Dibenzodioxin Adsorption on Inorganic Materials
Quantitative SAXS Analysis of Oriented 2D HexagonalCylindrical Silica Mesostructures in Thin Films Obtainedfrom Nonionic Surfactants
Simulating the Equation of State of Model GlobularProteins Adsorbed at a Surface
A Novel Single-Step Fabrication Technique to CreateHeterogeneous Poly(ethylene glycol) HydrogelMicrostructures Containing Multiple Phenotypes ofMammalian Cells
Comparative Studies on the Micellization of SodiumBis(4-phenylbutyl) Sulfosuccinate and SodiumBis(2-ethylhexyl) Sulfosuccinate and Their Interactionwith Hydrophobically Modified Poly(acrylamide)
Film Formation from Aqueous Polyurethane Dispersions ofReactive Hydrophobic and Hydrophilic Components;Spectroscopic Studies and Monte Carlo Simulations
Microchannel Systems in Titanium and Silicon forStructural and Mechanical Studies of Aligned ProteinSelf-Assemblies
Water Induced Hydrophobic Surface
Solvation Dynamics in Aqueous Anionic and CationicMicelle Solutions: Sodium Alkyl Sulfate andAlkyltrimethylammonium Bromide
Interactions of Hydrophobically Modified Polyelectrolyteswith Nonionic Surfactants
Lipid Phase Transition in Saccharide-CoatedCholate-Containing Liposomes: Coupling to theSurrounding Matrix
Measuring the Surface Roughness of Sputtered Coatingsby Microgravimetry
Adsorption Behavior of Surface Chemically PureN-Cycloalkylaldonamides at the Air/Water Interface
Self-Assembled Photoactive Polyelectrolyte/Perylene-Diimide Composites
Study of Langmuir and Langmuir−Blodgett Films ofOdorant-Binding Protein/Amphiphile for OdorantBiosensors
Thermal Decomposition of Generation-4 PolyamidoamineDendrimer Films: Decomposition Catalyzed byDendrimer-Encapsulated Pt Particles
Sonochemical Oxidation of Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes
Modeling the Properties of Self-Assembled MonolayersTerminated by Carboxylic Acids
Semiflexible Polymers Confined in Soft Tubes
Drops Down the Hill: Theoretical Study of LimitingContact Angles and the Hysteresis Range on a Tilted Plate
Morphosynthesis of Strontianite Nanowires UsingPolyacrylate Templates Tethered onto Self-AssembledMonolayers
Programmed Hyperhelical Supramolecular Assembly ofNickel Phthalocyanine Bearing Enantiopure1-(p-Tolyl)ethylaminocarbonyl Groups
Experimental and Computational Growth Morphology ofTwo Polymorphs of a Yellow Isoxazolone Dye
Encapsulation of Magnetic and Fluorescent Nanoparticlesin Emulsion Droplets
Synthesis and Characterization of Shell Cross-LinkedMicelles with Hydroxy-Functional Coronas: A PragmaticAlternative to Dendrimers?
Effect of Thiocyanate Counterion Condensation onPoly(allylamine hydrochloride) Chains on the Buildup andPermeability of Polystyrenesulfonate/PolyallylaminePolyelectrolyte Multilayers
Proteocubosomes: Nanoporous Vehicles with TertiaryOrganized Fluid Interfaces
Kinetic Modeling of the Adsorption Rate of a GaseousAdsorbate on a Granular Adsorbent byUltra-Rapid-Scanning Fourier Transform InfraredSpectrometry
Photoelectric Performance of Bacteria PhotosyntheticProteins Entrapped on Tailored Mesoporous WO3-TiO2Films
Thin Films of Hydrophobically ModifiedPoly(N,N-dimethylacrylamide)
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