| - The electrical properties of water in the region between parallel electrodes were investigated using pH indicatordyes. Different pH values corresponded to different colors, which could be registered by a video camera. Impositionof electrical current was able to produce zones of constant pH around, and well beyond each electrode: extremelylow pH around the positive electrode and extremely high pH around the negative electrode. The border betweenalkaline and acid zones was jagged and separated by only a narrow layer of water with neutral pH. When the waterwas replaced by various salt solutions, similar zones were observed. Again, passage of current produced large zonesof extreme pH values near and beyond each electrode. Alkaline zones appeared to propagate from the negative tothe positive electrode in narrow channels through the neutral solution. When the power supply was disconnected fromthe electrodes and replaced by a resistive load, a potential difference was registered, and current flowed through theresistor for some period of time. Hence, the acid and alkaline zones appear to carry opposite charges throughout theirvolume.