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Effect of Particle Hydrophobicity on the Properties of Silica ParticleLayers at the Air−Water Interface
One-Step Immobilization of Glucose Oxidase in a Silica Matrix on a PtElectrode by an Electrochemically Induced Sol−Gel Process
Surface-Initiated Enzymatic Polymerization of DNA
Completely Aqueous Procedure for the Growth of Polymer Brusheson Polymeric Substrates
Open-Bench Method for the Preparation of BaTiO3, SrTiO3, andBaxSr1-xTiO3 Nanocrystals at 80 °C
Is Latex Surface Charge an Important Parameter for FoamStabilization?
Conformational Control of Inorganic Adhesion in a Designer ProteinEngineered for Cuprous Oxide Binding
Reply to Comment on Evaporation-Induced Patterns fromDroplets Containing Motile and Nonmotile Bacteria
Efficient Synthesis of Poly(2-vinylpyridine)−Silica ColloidalNanocomposite Particles Using a Cationic Azo Initiator
Fluorescence Images of DNA-Bound YOYO between Coupled SilverParticles
Patterning Biomolecules with a Water-Soluble Release andProtection Interlayer
One-Step Synthesis of Highly Dispersed Gold Nanocrystals on SilicaSpheres
Effect of Particle Size on the Kinetics of the Electrocatalytic OxygenReduction Reaction Catalyzed by Pt Dendrimer-EncapsulatedNanoparticles
Location Control of Au/CdS Nanoparticles in Block CopolymerMicelles
Controlled Particle Placement through Convective and CapillaryAssembly
Effect of Three-Phase Contact Line Topology on Dynamic ContactAngles on Heterogeneous Surfaces
Self-Assembly Properties of Alkyloxyethyl β-Glycosides with DifferentTypes of Carbohydrate Headgroups
Slippage of Newtonian Liquids: Influence on the Dynamics ofDewetting Thin Films
Differential Water Sorption Studies on Kevlar 49 and As-PolymerizedPoly(p-phenylene terephthalamide): Determination of WaterTransport Properties
Membrane Curvature Effects on Glycolipid Transfer Protein Activity
Periodic Mesoporous Organosilicas with Multiple Bridging Groups andSpherical Morphology
Vaporization−Condensation−Recrystallization Process-MediatedSynthesis of Helical m-Aminobenzoic Acid Nanobelts
Electrochemical Synthesis and Surface Characterization ofPoly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) Films Grown in an Ionic Liquid
Effects of Nanopore Size on Properties of Modified Inner Surfaces
Determination of Amine and Aldehyde Surface Densities: Applicationto the Study of Aged Plasma Treated Polyethylene Films
Synthesis and Properties of a Novel Class of Gemini PyridiniumSurfactants
Issues of Ligand Accessibility and Mobility in Initial Cell Attachment
Flow-Focusing Generation of Monodisperse Water Droplets Wrappedby Ionic Liquid on Microfluidic Chips: From Plug to Sphere
Free-Standing, Erect Ultrahigh-Aspect-Ratio Polymer Nanopillar andNanotube Ensembles
Alkyl Chain Length Dependent Hydrogelation of l-Tryptophan-BasedAmphiphile
Mixtures of Hydrogenated and Fluorinated LactobionamideSurfactants with Cationic Surfactants: Study of Hydrogenated andFluorinated Chains Miscibility through Potentiometric Techniques
Regenerator Dependent Photoinduced Desorption of a DicarboxylatedCyanine Dye from the Surface of Single-Crystal Rutile
Electrochemical Behavior of Nitrogen Gas Species Adsorbed ontoBoron-Doped Diamond (BDD) Electrodes
Structural Characterization of Frozen n-Heptane Solutions ofMetal-Containing Reverse Micelles
Comment on Evaporation-Induced Patterns from DropletsContaining Motile and Nonmotile Bacteria
Aqueous Phase Behavior of Tetraethylene Glycol Decanoyl Ester(C9COE4) and Ether (C10E4) Investigated by Nuclear MagneticResonance Spectroscopic Techniques
Fast Formation of Opal-like Columnar Colloidal Crystals
Micellization of Dissymmetric Cationic Gemini Surfactants and TheirInteraction with Dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine Vesicles
Entropy-Driven Softening of Fluid Lipid Bilayers by Alamethicin
Guidance of Actin Filament Elongation on Filament-Binding Tracks
Synthesis of Novel Size Exclusion Chromatography Support by SurfaceInitiated Aqueous Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization
Cell and Protein Compatibility of Parylene-C Surfaces
Preparation and Characterization of Particles with Small Differencesin Polydispersity
Preparation of a Nanoporous CaCO3-Coated TiO2 Electrode and ItsApplication to a Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell
Photochange in Pore Diameters of Azobenzene-Planted MesoporousSilica Materials
Temperature- and Light-Responsive Blends of Pluronic F127 andPoly(N,N-dimethylacrylamide-co-methacryloyloxyazobenzene)
Combining Hydrogen-Bonding Complexation in Solution andHydrogen-Bonding-Directed Layer-by-Layer Assembly for theControlled Loading of a Small Organic Molecule into Multilayer Films
Polymer-Induced Synthesis of Stable Gold and Silver Nanoparticlesand Subsequent Ligand Exchange in Water
Gold Nanoparticle-Modified ITO Electrode for ElectrogeneratedChemiluminescence: Well-Preserved Transparency and HighlyEnhanced Activity
Studies on an Ester-Modified Cationic Amphiphile in AqueousSystems: Behavior of Binary Solutions and Ternary Mixtures withConventional Surfactants
Influence of the Colloidal Environment on the Magnetic Behavior ofCobalt Nanoparticles
Formation of “Snowmanlike” Polystyrene/Poly(methyl methacrylate)/Toluene Droplets Dispersed in an Aqueous Solution of a NonionicSurfactant at Thermodynamic Equilibrium
Thermodynamic and Real-Space Structural Evidence of a 2D CriticalPoint in Phospholipid Monolayers
Growth and Structure of Surface-Initiated Poly(n-alkylnorbornene)Films
Effects of Organic Solvent Addition on the Aggregation and MicellarGrowth of Cationic Dimeric Surfactant 12-3-12,2Br-
Low-Frequency Velocity Correlation Spectrum of Fluid in aRectangular Microcapillary
Salt-Induced Formation of Uniform Fiberlike SBA-15 MesoporousSilica Particles and Application to Toluene Adsorption
An Approximate Model for the Adhesive Contact of RoughViscoelastic Surfaces
Protection of Lithium Metal Surfaces Using Chlorosilanes
Synthesis, Characterization, and Optical Properties of Well-DefinedN-Doped, Hollow Silica/Titania Hybrid Microspheres
Self-Assembly of Monolayer-Thick Alumina Particle−EpoxyComposite Films
Repulsion between Oppositely Charged Macromolecules or Particles
Direct Photopatterning and SEM Imaging of Molecular Monolayers onDiamond Surfaces: Mechanistic Insights into UV-Initiated MolecularGrafting
Preparation and Characterization of Structured HydrogelMicroparticles Based on Cross-Linked Hyperbranched Polyglycerol
Solvent Effects on the Adsorption and Self-Organization of Mn12 onAu(111)
Multiutility Sophorolipids as Nanoparticle Capping Agents: Synthesis of Stable and Water Dispersible Co Nanoparticles
Self-Organization of Surfactant−Metal-Ion Complex Nanofibers onGraphite Surfaces and Their Application to Fibrously ConcentratedPlatinum Nanoparticle Formation
Atomic Beam-Induced Fluorination of Polyimide and Its Applicationto Site-Selective Cu Metallization
Structure Formation in Bis(terpyridine) Derivative Adlayers: Molecule−Substrate versus Molecule−Molecule Interactions
Toward an Understanding of the Turbidity Measurement ofHeterocoagulation Rate Constants of Dispersions Containing Particlesof Different Sizes
Monte Carlo Simulation of Mixed Lennard-Jones Nonionic SurfactantAdsorption at the Liquid/Vapor Interface
Thermoresponsive Micelles from Jeffamine-b-poly(l-glutamic acid)Double Hydrophilic Block Copolymers
Atomic Force Microscopy Study of the Mechanical and ElectricalProperties of Monolayer Films of Molecules with Aromatic EndGroups
Adsorption States of Amphipatic Solutes at the Surface of NaturallyHydrophobic Minerals: A Molecular Dynamics Simulation Study
Single Nanocrystals of Anatase-Type TiO2 Prepared from LayeredTitanate Nanosheets: Formation Mechanism and Characterization ofSurface Properties
Apparent Dewetting of Ultrathin Multilayered Polyelectrolyte FilmsIncubated in Aqueous Environments
Langmuir and Langmuir−Blodgett Monolayers of Molecular Tweezersand Clips
Visualization of Charge-Carrier Propagation in Water
Fluid Flow-Assisted Dielectrophoretic Assembly of Nanowires
Association, Partition, and Surface Activity in Biphasic SystemsDisplaying Relaxation Oscillations
Ubiquitous Pentacene Monolayer on Metals Deposited ontoPentacene Films
Cononsolvency-Induced Micellization of Pyrene End-Labeled DiblockCopolymers of N-Isopropylacrylamide and Oligo(ethylene glycol)Methyl Ether Methacrylate
Purely Salt-Responsive Micelle Formation and Inversion Based on aNovel Schizophrenic Sulfobetaine Block Copolymer: Structure andKinetics of Micellization
Pattern Formation of Antifreeze Glycoproteins via SolventEvaporation
Adsorption and Disjoining Pressure Isotherms of Confined PolymersUsing Dissipative Particle Dynamics
“Fingertip”-Guided Noncovalent Functionalization of CarbonNanotubes by Dendrons
Comparison of Liposomes Formed by Sonication and Extrusion: Rotational and Translational Diffusion of an Embedded Chromophore
Brownian Dynamics Simulations of Polyelectrolyte Adsorption ontoTopographically Patterned Surfaces
Rapid Evaluation and Screening of Interfacial Reactions onSelf-Assembled Monolayers
Controlling the Wettability and Adhesion of NanostructuredPoly-(p-xylylene) Films
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