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À propos de : Addition of Nucleophiles to Silenes. A Theoretical Studyof the Effect of Substituents on Their Kinetic Stability        

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  • Addition of Nucleophiles to Silenes. A Theoretical Studyof the Effect of Substituents on Their Kinetic Stability
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  • A systematic theoretical study shows that the energy barriers for water additon to silenes, which denote the kinetic stability of the silene, strongly depend on the substituents; polar silenes exhibit negative or low activation energies (−3 to 8 kcal/mol), while substituents that strongly reduce the polarity of the silene increase significantly this activation energy, to ca. 16 kcal/mol.
  • The addition of water to nine silenes (H2SiCH2 (1), Me2SiC(SiH3)2 (2), Cl2SiCH2 (3),Me2SiCMe2 (4), (H3Si)2SiCMe2 (5), (H3Si)2SiC(Me)OSiH3 (6), Me2SiC(SiMe3)H (7), Me(HCC)SiCH2 (8), and Me(Me3Si)SiCH2 (9)) was studied with ab initio (MP4/6-31+G(d,p))and DFT (B3LYP/6-31G(d)) methods. The energy barriers for addition, which denote thekinetic stability of the silene, strongly depend on the substituents. Silenes (1−4) exhibitlow and even negative activation energies (−3 to 8 kcal/mol). Substituents that stronglyreduce the polarity of the silene, as in 5 and 6, increase significantly the activation energyfor the nucleophilic addition of H2O to ca. 16 kcal/mol. The calculated activation energiesshow a good correlation with Δt (Δt = the difference in the total NBO charge between Siand C), i.e., the higher the polarity of the silene the lower is the activation barrier for wateraddition.
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