| - The bis(nitrile) complex [Mo2Cp2(μ-SMe)3(NCCH3)2](BF4) (1) reacts with HC⋮CCPh2(OH) to give the μ-alkyneproduct [Mo2Cp2(μ-SMe)3{HC⋮CCPh2(OH)}](BF4) (2). Sequential treatment with triethylamine and tetrafluoroboric acidconverts 2 almost quantitatively, via the μ-alkynyl derivative3, into [Mo2Cp2(μ-SMe)3(μ-η1:η2-CCCPh2)] (BF4) (4), thefirst example of a dinuclear μ-η1:η2-allenylidene species withoutcarbonyl ligands.
- Reaction of the bis(isonitrile) compound [Mo2Cp2(μ-SMe)3(NCCH3)2](BF4) with HC⋮CCPh2(OH) followed by sequential treatment with triethylamine and tetrafluoroboric acid afforded the novel allenylidene species [Mo2Cp2(μ-SMe)3(μ-η1:η2-CCCPh2)](BF4).