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Cp[TmMe]ZrCl2, a Tris(2-mercapto-1-methylimidazolyl)hydroboratoComplex of Zirconium and a New Type of Precatalyst for OlefinPolymerization
Heavier Alkali Metal Complexes of a Silicon- andPhosphine-Borane-Stabilized Carbanion
Palladium−Tetraphosphine as Catalyst Precursor forHigh-Turnover-Number Negishi Cross-Coupling of Alkyl- orPhenylzinc Derivatives with Aryl Bromides
1,6-Bis(ferrocenyl)-1,3,5-hexatriyne: Novel Preparation andStructural Study
Kinetic Resolution of Planar-Chiral Ferrocenes byMolybdenum-Catalyzed Enantioselective Metathesis
Nitrogen-Linked Diphosphine Ligands with Ethers Attached toNitrogen for Chromium-Catalyzed Ethylene Tri- andTetramerizations
Donor-Stabilized Silyl Cations. 11. Bis-Zwitterionic Penta- andHexacoordinate Silicon Dichelate Complexes Derived from(ClCH2)2SiCl2 through Double Internal Displacement of Chloride1
Metallacumulenes as Potential Electron Reservoir Devices
Mechanism of Alkane C−H Bond Activation by Copper and SilverHomoscorpionate Complexes
Role of the Ligand and of the Size and Flexibility of thePalladium−Ancillary Ligand Cycle on the Reactivity ofSubstituted Alkynes toward Palladium(0) Complexes BearingPotentially Terdentate Nitrogen−Sulfur−Nitrogen orNitrogen−Nitrogen−Nitrogen Ligands: Kinetic and Structural Study
Synthesis and Pharmacological Characterization of Sila-panamesine,a Sila-Analogue of the σ Receptor Ligand Panamesine (EMD 57445)
Kinetics and Mechanisms of the Reactions of Diaryl- andDialkylgermylenes with Alcohols and Ethers in Solution
Highly Active Iridium Catalysts for Alkane Dehydrogenation.Synthesis and Properties of Iridium Bis(phosphine) PincerComplexes Based on Ferrocene and Ruthenocene
Carbon−Carbon Bond Formation on aBis(oxazolinyl)phenyl−Rhodium Complex in a Reduction andOxidative Addition Sequence
Charge-Assisted Hydrogen Bonding and Other NoncovalentInteractions in the Self-Assembly of the Organometallic BuildingBlock [(η6-hydroquinone)Rh(P(OPh)3)2]+ with a Range ofCounteranions
A Bridging Side-on Allenylidene Dimolybdenum Complex withoutCarbonyl Stabilization
Editor's Page
Deprotonation Attempts on Imidazolium Salt Tethered bySubstituted Phenol and Construction of Its Magnesium Complex byTransmetalation
Preparation and Characterization of a Zwitterionic(Iminopyrrolyl)zirconium Complex with Benzylaluminate Anion andIts Catalytic Performance for 1-Hexene Polymerization
Insertion Reactions at Cyclobutylene-Bridged ansa-MetalloceneComplexes: A Quest for the Influence of Covering Phenylene Units
Stereoelectronic Effects of the Arenophile (η5-Cp*)Ru+ inElectron-Rich σ-Arylacetylide Iron Complexes IncludingRedox-Driven Haptotropic Rearrangement: An Approach towardReadable Binary Molecular Memory Components
Chiral Platinum Duphos Terminal Phosphido Complexes: Synthesis,Structure, Phosphido Transfer, and Ligand Behavior
Ring Slippage vs Charge Transfer in the Reductive Chemistry of[IndMo(CO)2(α-diimine)]+ Cations
Double C−H Activation Results in Ruthenium Complexes of aNeutral PCP Ligand with a Central Carbene Moiety
Group 13−Group 13 Donor−Acceptor Complexes
Computational Insight Concerning Catalytic Decision Points of theTransition Metal Catalyzed [2 + 2 + 1] CyclocarbonylationReaction of Allenes
Mediating Oxidation States in Decamethyleuropocene Complexes.The Role of the Diazabutadiene Fragment
Decomplexation of Phosphirane and Phosphirene Complexes
Octahedral [TpRu(PMe3)2OR]n+ Complexes (Tp =hydridotris(pyrazolyl)borate; R = H or Ph; n = 0 or 1): Reactionsat Ru(II) and Ru(III) Oxidation States with Substrates that PossessCarbon−Hydrogen Bonds
Efficient Demetalation of Fischer Alkoxy- and Amino-BiscarbeneComplexes of Chromium via CO-Promoted Sulfuration andSelenylation
Photochemistry of Methyltrioxorhenium Revisited: A DFT/TD-DFTand CASSCF/MS-CASPT2 Theoretical Study
Density Functional Theoretical Studies of the Re−Xe Bonds inRe(Cp)(CO)(PF3)Xe and Re(Cp)(CO)2Xe
Dimolybdenum−Tin Derivatives of the Unsaturated Hydride[Mo2(η5-C5H5)2(μ-H)(μ-PCy2)(CO)2] and HSnR3 (R = Ph, Bu): Bridging versus Terminal Coordination of the TriorganostannylGroup
One-Pot Synthesis of trans Mono- or Diarylalkynyl SubstitutedPlatinum(II) Compounds with Tertiary Phosphine or PhosphiteLigands
Probing the Effect of the Ligand X on the Properties and CatalyticActivity of the Complexes RuHX(diamine)(PPh3)2 (X = OPh,4-SC6H4OCH3, OPPh2, OP(OEt)2, CCPh, NCCHCN, CH(COOMe)2;diamine = 2,3-Diamino-2,3-dimethylbutane,(R,R)-1,2-Diaminocyclohexane)
Corannulene: A Preference for exo-Metal Binding. X-ray StructuralCharacterization of [Ru2(O2CCF3)2(CO)4·(η2-C20H10)2]
Synthesis of a Series of Diiron Complexes Based on aTetraethynylethene Skeleton and Related C6-Enediyne Spacers,(dppe)Cp*Fe−C⋮CC(R)C(R)C⋮C−FeCp*(dppe): TunableMolecular Wires
Catalytic System for Homogeneous Ethylene Polymerization Basedon Aluminohydride−Zirconocene Complexes
Mechanistic Studies of Si−CN and C−NC Bond Activation ofSilylnitriles and Alkyl Isonitriles by Rhodium Porphyrin Radical: Novel Cyanide Transfer
Group 4 Bis(pyrimidinoxide) Complexes. Investigations of ElectronicEffects in Catalytic Hydroamination
Competition of Insertion and Transmetalation Pathways in theReactions of Alkenylsilanes with Aryl Complexes of Palladium(II).An Experimental Study
Solution and Solid-State Structures of Lithiated Phenyloxazolines
Extension of the Alkane Bridge in BisNHC−Palladium−ChlorideComplexes. Synthesis, Structure, and Catalytic Activity
Preparation of Oligogermanes via the Hydrogermolysis Reaction.
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