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SP0055 Microrna in connective tissue disease
FRI0161 Raid is highly sensitive to change and is associated to DAS28 in follow-up of patients with ra starting treatment with anti-TNF alpha therapy
AB1446-HPR Perceived exertion level in fibromialgic patients during the sit-to-stand test
OP0234 Association between ultrasound colour doppler activity and synovial pathology in biopsies from small hand joints in patients with rheumatoid arthritis: A cross sectional study
THU0026 P62/SQSTM1 links reactive oxygen species formation and obesity to increased tnfalpha-mediated joint destruction via its signalling domains
THU0167 Evaluation of two assays for antiphospholipid antibodies in 712 SLE patients; clinical associations depend on isotypes and cut-off levels
FRI0001 IL-17 producing-DN T cells are expanded in the blood, infiltrate salivary glands and are resistant to corticosteroids in sjÖgren’s syndrome
FRI0293 Rheumatoid arthritis and spondyloarthropathies in clinical remission have the same rates of flare in pregnancy, more elevated if therapy before conception was a biologic agent
SAT0031 Anti-RO52 autoantibody epitope mapping in european cohort of myositis patients
AB0363 Rate of tuberculin skin test or interferon gamma release assay conversion during anti-tumor necrosis factor therapy in rheumatic patients
AB0425 Plasma vitamin D levels in relation to insulin resistance and risk of metabolic syndrome in rheumatoid arthritis patients
OP0229 Effect of endothelin-1 receptor antagonists on skin fibrosis in scleroderma patients - a EUSTAR analysis
THU0066 Smoking functions as a negative regulator of IGF-1 levels and activates the cascade of adipokine signaling molecules in patients with rheumatoid arthritis
SAT0079 The analysis of fecal microbiota in rheumatoid arthritis patients compared to healthy volunteers using bacterial RRNA-targeted reverse transcription-quantitative PCR
SAT0312 Psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis among natives and mestizos from the andean mountains region of peru
AB0257 Genetic effects of HLA-DRB1, IL4R, and FCΓRIIB on long-term treatment responses in patients with early rheumatoid arthritis: 78-week results of optima
AB0290 Serum protein biomarkers for response of rheumatoid arthritis to infliximab
AB1211 Newborns of mothers with autoimmune disease. Outcome in a regional hospital
AB1416 Fears and beliefs about biologic agents in moroccan patients
THU0072 Frequency of falls and fall-related risk factors in patients with rheumatoid arthritis
THU0188 Lymphoproliferative complications in the course of primary sjægren’s syndrome: Prevalence and common features in a large cohort of patients
FRI0036 Epigallocatechin gallate modulates SIRT1 expression in CPP crystal-induced inflammation
SP0139 Comorbidity and exercise therapy in patients with knee osteoarthritis
FRI0394 Efficacy and safety of canakinumab in gouty arthritis patients with chronic kidney disease stage ≥3
AB0107 AKT activation by fibronectin fragment leads to NF-KB up-regulation in rheumatoid arthritic chondrocytes
AB0489 Serum chemokines in rheumatoid arthritis patients treated with repeated infusions of infliximab
AB0775 Has rituximab (RTX) a role in treatment of chronic non-renal henoch-schonlein purpura (HSP)? 9 years follow up of a patient with severe gastro-intestinal disease
AB0779 Eosinophilic myositis and rheumatoid arthritis as first manifestation in a patient carrying myotonic dystrophy type 2 (CCTG)n expenssion of ZNF9 gene
AB0881 Quality of life determines sick leave in ankylosing spondylitis
THU0032 Involvement of ER stress signals, PERK, IRE1, GRP78 in rankl-induced, C-FOS and NFATC1-mediated osteoclastogenesis
OP0200-HPR How many subjective measurement tools are needed in knee osteoarthritis assessment?
SP0146 Non anti-TNF biologics in axial spondyloarthritis
OP0006 Eular evidence-based recommendations on the management of medium to high dose systemic glucocorticoid therapy in rheumatic diseases
AB1168 Clinical disease activity scores of knee joints in newly diagnosed JIA predicts reduction in bone pixel value detected by computed radiography
THU0354 Attentional impairment in chronic central and peripheral pain: Controlled study
FRI0263 Prospective study of primary biliary cirrhosis associated with systemic sclerosis: Analysis of the clinical, biological and microvascular aspects at first follow-up visit
SAT0051 NF-KAPPAB inducing kinase (NIK) is a key regulator of angiogenesis: Implications for the role of non-canonical NF-KAPPAB signaling in synovial inflammation
OP0011 Inequalities across 46 european countries in clinical eligibility criteria for the start of a first (reimbursed) biologic in patients with rheumatoid arthritis
AB1079 The double contour sign is a consistent finding in MTP joints in gout patients. Results from an ultrasound pilot study in daily clinical practice
SP0187 How do we combine modern imaging in the RA remission criteria?
SAT0278 How useful is imaging of the SI-joints (MRI and/or X-ray) in patients with possible spondyloarthritis in the diagnostic work-up?
SAT0431 In de quervain’s with a separate epb, us-guided injection is more effective than a manual technique
SAT0441 Health care quality indicators on the management of rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis: A systematic review (in the framework of the project)
AB0116 HIF-2alpha dependent rankl induction and osteoclastogenesis is augmented by inflammatory cytokines
AB0393 Increased in serum soluble receptor for advanced glycation end products levels are associated with improvement in augmentation index in patients with early rheumatoid arthritis- a prospective observational study
AB0705 EULAR sjÖgren’s syndrome disease activity index (ESSDAI) is sensitive to show treatment efficacy of rituximab in patients with primary sjÖgren’s syndrome
AB1051 Dish prevalence in patients affected by severe cardiovascular diseases
AB1240 Ultrasound evaluation of rheumatoid nodules and their correlation with disease activity
OP0084 Patterns of circulating antibodies in the pre-clinical phase of rheumatoid arthritis suggest epitope spreading in the immune reaction against citrullinated peptides
THU0134 Biomarkers of metothrexate adverse reactions in rheumatoid arthritis patients
AB1154 Quality of life in children with haemophilic arthropathy. Assesment by euroqol
AB1430-HPR A needs assessment of hospital for special surgery’s charla de lupus/lupus chat® teen and parent support group: Gaining a community perspective on nutritional health to inform implementation of a nutrition education intervention
SP0084 Patient involvement in research on the international arena
OP0165 Whole-body MRI for assessment of enthesitis in psoriatic arthritis, axial spondyloarthritis and healthy subjects - a comparison with 7 clinical enthesitis indices
THU0105 Effect of sirukumab on hepcidin levels and markers of anemia: Results of a phase 2B trial in patients with active rheumatoid arthritis despite methotrexate therapy
FRI0301 Role of vitamin D in osteoarthritis knee: A six month double blind, randomized, placebo control trial
AB0392 Lack of association between smoking habit and autoimmunity in an argentinian early arthritis cohort
AB0660 Prevalence of migraine in iraqi systemic lupus erythematosus patients
AB1232 Mean platelet volume in patients with familial mediterranean fever
FRI0224 Plasma fibrinogen is an accurate marker of disease activity in patients with polymyalgia rheumatica
FRI0113 Coronary athero-protection against high-risk mixed plaque (MP) independently of good disease response in coronary artery disease (CAD)-naÏve patients with rheumatoid arthritis receiving tumor necrosis factor-a (TNFA) inhibitors
FRI0319 Levels of IL-1β and MMP-3 are increased in the synovial fluid from knee osteoarthritis (OA) in patients with concomitant erosive hand OA
SAT0080 Ankle synovitis and its prognostic implications in a very early arthritis cohort
SAT0473 Defining cut-off values for disease activity states and improvement scores for patient-reported outcomes: the example of the rheumatoid arthritis impact of disease (RAID)
AB0276 Methotrexate therapy monitoring by MTOR, autophagy-related ULK1, caspase 3, CDK-inhibitor p21, TNF alpha, and osteoclast-specific cathepsin K and gelatinase MMP-9 gene expression in the peripheral blood of early rheumatoid arthritis patients
FRI0138 Characterization of non-hodgkin lymphomas in rheumatic diseases
AB0149 Is chemokine receptor CCR9 required for leukocyte recruitment in inflammation in rheumatoid arthritis? deficiency of CCR9 in a murine model of antigen-induced arthritis
AB0897 Prevalence of neurological events in a cohort of patients with spondylarthritis and biological treatment
THU0055 Interstitial pneumonitis associated with rheumatoid arthritis is more prevalent in aged male with a higher RF level, and frequently combined with emphysema
SAT0242 How good are the eular sjögren’s syndrome disease activity index (ESSDAI), and EULAR sjögren’s syndrome patients reported index (ESSPRI) in predicting health status in primary sjögren’s syndrome?
SAT0257 Is hidradenitis suppurativa an extra articular feature of spondyloarthritis? Results from a multicentre national prospective study
AB0450 Effect of adalimumab discontinuation on patient-reported outcomes and work productivity in early rheumatoid arthritis patients who achieved low disease activity following 26 weeks of treatment: Data from the optima study
AB1110 The role of violations of the apoptosis in the formation juvenile idiopathic arthritis
AB1191 Within-patient analysis during anakinra and canakinumab treatment in cryopyrin associated periodic syndrome
AB1369 What is the evidence-based for future policy decisions regarding biologics in sle? A structured review of the literature
THU0120 Long-term safety of rituximab: 10-year follow-up in the rheumatoid arthritis global clinical trial programme
SAT0046 Intra-articular CD1C-expressing myeloid dendritic cells from RA patients express increased levels of T cell-attracting chemokines and induce TH1, TH2, and TH17 cell activity
AB1151 Bone profile in moroccan children with juvenile idiopathic arthritis
FRI0386 Increased prevalence of metabolic syndrome is associated to nephrolithiasis but not to the presence of tophus in GOUT patients
OP0140-PARE The complexity of living with rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases and other health problems
THU0432 Bone erosions in rheumatoid arthritis: Ultrasound findings in the early stage of the disease
SAT0068 Osteoclastogenic and osteoblastogenic potential of hematopoietic/stromal cells in collagen induced arthritis
THU0332 Predictors of poor growth in children with early juvenile idiopathic arthritis: Results from the childhood arthritis prospective study (CAPS)
SAT0309 Serum 14-3-3 ETA: An independent biomarker associated with joint damage in psoriatic arthritis
AB0317 Association of ACR clinical responses with CDAI (clinical disease activity index) and RAPID3 (routine assessment of patient index data 3) indices of disease activity in rheumatoid arthritis patients treated with certolizumab pegol plus methotrexate
AB0737 The resting state and task based functional magnetic resonance imaging study in non-neuropsychiatric systemic lupus erythematosus
AB0876 Postural profile in patients with ankylosing spondylitis: Correlation with clinical and electrophysiological findings
AB1148 Diagnosis of malignancies in children with musculoskeletal complaints
AB0128 A simplified method to determine joint loading as a surrogate marker of pain/disability in a canine model of osteoarthritis, validated using force plate analyses as a gold standard
AB0152 Low avidity anti-citrullinated protein antibodies (ACPA) are associated with enhanced radiological progression in rheumatoid arthritis
AB0659 Oral manifestations, oral health status, and salivary changes in iraqi systemic lupus erythematosus
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