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| - The nature of the Ly $\mathsf{\alpha}$-emission region of FDF-4691
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| - In order to study the origin of the strong Ly α emission of high-redshift starburst galaxies we observed and modeled the rest-frame UV spectrum and the Ly α emission of the $z = 3.304$ galaxy FDF-4691 (rest-frame $EW_{\rm{Ly}\alpha}$ = 103 Å). The observations show that FDF-4691 is a young starburst galaxy with a (for this redshift) typical metallicity. The broad, double-peaked profile of the Ly α emission line can be explained assuming a highly turbulent emission region in the inner part of the starburst galaxy, and a surrounding extended shell of low-density neutral gas with a normal dust/gas ratio and with Galactic dust properties. The detection of the Ly α emission line is explained by the intrinsic broad Ly α emission and a low HI column density of the neutral shell. A low dust/gas ratio in the neutral shell is not needed to explain the strong Ly α line.
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