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Net circular polarization of sunspot penumbrae
Disk-jet connection in Cygnus X-3
The K20 survey
The FIR/Radio correlation of high redshift galaxies in the region of the HDF-N
X-rays from the jet in 3C 273: Clues from the radio-optical spectra
The detection of 3 & 5 min period oscillations in coronal loops
Observation of the linear polarization in the flare with a powerful surge
Evidence for synchrotron bubbles from GRS 1915+105
Radio lobe dynamics and the environment of microquasars
Discovery of an optical bow-shock around pulsar B0740-28
The magnetic geometry of magnetic-dominated thin accretion disks
An H α nebula possibly associated with the central source in the G 266.2-1.2 supernova remnant
Discovery of a very cool object with extraordinarily strong H $\mathsf{\alpha}$ emission
Confirmation of persistent radio jets in the microquasar LS 5039
The kinematic relationship between disk and jet in the DG Tauri system
An explanation for the curious mass loss history of massive stars: From OB stars, through Luminous Blue Variables to Wolf-Rayet stars
Observations of high- J SiO emission along the HH211 outflow
The X-ray afterglow of GRB 020322
Planets in habitable zones:
On the outflow in an equatorial coronal hole
Cosmological constraints from Archeops
Model atmosphere analysis of the extreme DQ white dwarf GSC2U J131147.2+292348
Dust emission from young outflows: The case of L 1157
A gas and dust rich giant elliptical galaxy in the ISOPHOT Serendipity Survey
First detection of NH 3 ( $\mathsf{1_0 \rightarrow 0_0}$) from a low mass cloud core
A broad absorption feature in the X-ray spectrum of the isolated neutron star RBS1223 (1RXS J130848.6+212708)
Far-infrared detection of $^{\mathsf{17}}$OH towards Sagittarius B2
Yet another galaxy identification for an ultraluminous X-ray source
Dust emission from the most distant quasars
XMM-Newton observation of the brightest X-ray flare detected so far from Sgr A*
Far infra-red emission from NGC 7078: First detection of intra-cluster dust in a globular cluster
Statistical characterisation of full-disk EUV/XUV solar irradiance and correlation with solar activity
Rotational brightness variations in Trans-Neptunian Object 50000 Quaoar
Optical identification of the companion to PSR J1911-5958A, the pulsar binary in the outskirts of NGC 6752
Hadronic gamma-ray emission from windy microquasars
A study of the stable regions in the planetary system HD 74156 - Can it host earthlike planets in habitable zones?
In-flight performance of the IBIS calibration unit
Cosmic rays tracks on the PICsIT detector
INTEGRAL Spectrometer SPI's GRB detection capabilities
The INTEGRAL spacecraft - in-orbit performance
ISGRI: The INTEGRAL Soft Gamma-Ray Imager
High-energy sources before INTEGRAL
Absolute timing with IBIS, SPI and JEM-X aboard INTEGRAL
First results from TOO observations of the Aql X-1 field with INTEGRAL
Effective temperatures and radii of planet-hosting stars from IR photometry
Global sausage modes of coronal loops
A newly identified Luminous Blue Variable in the galactic starburst cluster Westerlund 1
The nature of the Ly $\mathsf{\alpha}$-emission region of FDF-4691
VLT/NACO adaptive optics imaging of Titan
Toward explanation of microstructure in pulsar radio emission
High-amplitude, long-term X-ray variability in the solar-type star HD 81809: The beginning of an X-ray activity cycle?
The supernova 2003lw associated with X-ray flash 031203
Direct evidence of efficient cosmic ray acceleration and magnetic field amplification in Cassiopeia A
Diamagnetic effects of heliospheric Pick-up ions and magnetic fluxes in the outer heliosphere
A new VLT surface map of Titan at 1.575 microns
Self-bound CFL stars in binary systems: Are they “hidden” among the black hole candidates?
The distribution of cosmic-ray sources in the Galaxy, γ-rays and the gradient in the CO-to-H 2 relation
Beyond the iron group: Heavy metals in hot subdwarfs
Momentum transfer to interplanetary dust from the solar wind
Discovery of six Ly α emitters near a radio galaxy at z ~ 5.2
Accurate radius and mass of the transiting exoplanet OGLE-TR-132b
Visible spectral properties of asteroid 21 Lutetia, target of Rosetta Mission
Massive star-formation rates of γ-ray burst host galaxies: An unobscured view in X-rays
A giant planet candidate near a young brown dwarf
On the unpulsed radio emission from J0737-3039
An L0 dwarf companion in the brown dwarf desert, at 30 AU
Evidence for an inner molecular disk around massive Young Stellar Objects
Polar magnetic flux on the Sun in 1996-2003 from SOHO/MDI data
The influence of chemical composition on the properties of Cepheid stars
Gamma-ray bursts and other sources of giant lightning discharges in protoplanetary systems
Optical polarimetry of SN 2004bv
Discovery of a high-redshift Einstein ring
High-resolution radio imaging of the most distant radio quasar SDSS J0836+0054
Searching for merger debris in the Galactic halo: chemodynamical evidence based on local blue HB stars
The evolution of the ultraviolet and infrared luminosity densities in the universe at 0 < z< 1
X-ray quasi-periodic pulsations in solar flares as magnetohydrodynamic oscillations
Swift XRT observations of the breaking X-ray afterglow of GRB 050318
Helioseismic evidence of two solar granulation timescales
ELODIE metallicity-biased search for transiting Hot Jupiters
Extrasolar planets and brown dwarfs around A-F type stars
Probing the internal magnetic field of slowly pulsating B-stars through g modes
Optical emission from GRB 050709: a short/hard GRB in a star-forming galaxy
X-rays from HH 210 in the Orion nebula
A comparison of solar proxy-magnetometry diagnostics
Macrospicules and blinkers as seen in Shutterless EIT 304 Å
On the viability of holistic cosmic-ray source models
A Lyman- α blob in the GOODS South field: evidence for cold accretion onto a dark matter halo
An inner disk below the ADAF: the intermediate spectral state of black hole accretion
The high velocity outflow in NGC 6334 I
First observations with CONDOR, a 1.5 THz heterodyne receiver
A 0.8 mm heterodyne facility receiver for the APEX telescope
Submillimeter vibrationally excited water emission from the peculiar red supergiant VY Canis Majoris
Microlensing variability in time-delay quasars
Formation and structure of the three Neptune-mass planets system around HD 69830
Mimicking neutron star precession by polar cap current-pattern drifting
EIT and TRACE responses to flare plasma
Determination of the light curve of the Rosetta target asteroid (2867) Steins by the OSIRIS cameras onboard Rosetta
Carbon monoxide in the solar atmosphere
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