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Fetal cells in the maternal circulation: isolation by multiparameter flow cytometry and confirmation by polymerase chain reaction
Anti-phospholipid antibodies and pregnancy loss
Immunohistochemical localization of progesterone receptor in human decidua of early pregnancy
The use of fibrin sealant for embryo transfer: development and clinical studies
Relationship of biochemical pregnancy to pre-ovulatory endometrial thickness and pattern in patients undergoing ovulation induction
Pregnancy following intrafollicular gamete transfer
Early diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy using receiver — operator characteristic curves of serum progesterone concentrations
Immunolocalization of oestrogen and progesterone receptors in the human decidua in relation to prolactin production
Cervical ripening with mifepristone (RU 486) in first trimester abortion. An electron microscope study
Case Report: Accidental exposure to daily long-acting gonadotrophinreleasing hormone analogue administration and pregnancy in an in-vitro fertilization cycle
Lymphatic vessel hypoplasia in fetuses with Turner syndrome
Primary repair of cornual rupture occurring at 21 weeks gestation and successful pregnancy outcome: Case report
Habitual abortions in 678 healthy patients: investigation and prevention
Obstetric and perinatal outcome of pregnancies after intrauterine insemination
The expression of glutaredoxin is increased in the human cervix in term pregnancy and immediately post-partum, particularly after prostaglandin-induced delivery
HLA-G expression in extravillous trophoblasts is an intrinsic property of cell differentiation: a lesson learned from ectopic pregnancies
Effects of progesterone on prostaglandin E2-induced changes in glycosaminoglycan synthesis by human cervical fibroblasts in culture
The management of multiple pregnancies after induction for superovulation
Enhancement of mononuclear cell oxidative burst by early post-transfer sera from human patients after unsuccessful embryo transfer
Diagnosis and treatment of ectopic pregnancy by retrograde selective salpingography and intraluminal methotrexate injection: work in progress
Uterine activity and decidual prostaglandin production in women in early pregnancy in response to mifepristone with or without indomethacin in vivo
Effect of β-endorphin on human chorionic gonadotrophin secretion by placental explants
Results of conservative laparoscopic treatment of isthmic ectopic pregnancies: a 26 case study
Intravenous immunoglobulin treatment of women with multiple miscarriages
Endocrinology of in-vitro fertilization pregnancies during the first trimester
Treatment of ectopic pregnancy: the new gynaecological dilemma
Evaluation of ectopic pregnancy by magnetic resonance imaging
Antithyroid antibodies do not affect pregnancy outcome in women undergoing assisted reproduction
Risks of preterm delivery and association with maternal age, birth order, and fetal gender
Increased incidence of apoptosis in non-labour-affected cytotrophoblast cells in term fetal membranes overlying the cervix
Activated protein C resistance shows an association with pregnancy-induced hypertension
Characterization of human placental explants: morphological, biochemical and physiological studies using first and third trimester placenta
Serum activin A and follistatin concentrations during human pregnancy: a cross-sectional and longitudinal study
Case Report: Successful laparoscopic management of adnexal torsion during week 25 of a twin pregnancy
Reduction of multifetal pregnancies to twins does not increase obstetric or perinatal risks
Human chorionic gonadotrophin concentrations in early pregnancy after in-vitro fertilization
Prenatal assessment of the Hyrtl anastomosis and evaluation of its function: Case report
Detection of the immunoregulator p43-placental isoferritin in the human embryo and fetus
Gender differences at birth and differences in fetal growth
Maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein levels in anembryonic pregnancy
Laminin in human trophoblast—decidua interaction
Successful treatment with methotrexate of five vital interstitial pregnancies
Pelvic abscess in the second half of pregnancy after oocyte retrieval for in-vitro fertilization: Case report
Changes in the expression of nitric oxide synthase in the human uterine cervix during pregnancy and parturition
Modulation of indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase by interferon-γ in human placental chorionic villi
β-endorphin inhibits the production of interleukin-8 by human chorio-decidual cells in culture
Inhibin and activin production and subunit expression in human placental cells cultured in vitro
Mini Review
Pathology of trophoblastic diseases
Circulating levels of placental protein 12 and chorionic gonadotrophin following RU 38486 and Gemeprost for termination of first trimester pregnancy
Lack of placental protein 14 production in pregnancy after frozen embryo transfer, down-regulation of anterior pituitary and administration of exogenous oestradiol and progesterone
Preterm delivery, low birthweight and small-for-gestational-age in liveborn singleton babies resulting from in-vitro fertilization
Embryo reduction in multifetal pregnancies using saline injection: comparison between the transvaginal and the transabdominal approach
CASE REPORT: Dizygotic triplet pregnancy following in-vitro fertilization
Ultrasound evidence for variability in the size and development of normal human embryos before the tenth post-insemination week after assisted reproductive technologies
Mifepristone (RU 486) induces embryo expulsion in first trimester non-developing pregnancies: a prospective randomized trial
Preliminary results on the role of embryonic human chorionic gonadotrophin in corpus luteum rescue during early pregnancy and the relationship to abortion and ectopic pregnancy
Lack of endometriosis in patients with repeated abortion
Effect of 1-34 human parathyroid hormone upon first trimester placental human chorionic gonadotrophin secretion in vitro: potentiation by epidermal growth factor
Human menopausal gonadotrophin increases pregnancy rate in comparison with clomiphene citrate during replacement cycles of frozen/thawed pronucleate ova
In-vitro fertilization treatment for unexplained recurrent abortion: a pilot study
Case Report: Uterine artery embolization - a successful treatment to control bleeding cervical pregnancy with a simultaneous intrauterine gestation
Localization of E-cadherin in villous, extravillous and vascular trophoblasts during intrauterine, ectopic and molar pregnancy
Expression and localization of inducible nitric oxide synthase in human non-pregnant and early pregnant endometrium
Pregnancy is associated with altered response to neuropeptide Y in uterine artery
Polymorphisms in biotransformation enzymes and the risk for recurrent early pregnancy loss
Cytotoxic effects of tumour necrosis factor (TNF)-α and interferon-γ on cultured human trophoblast are modulated by fibronectin
Influence of parity on the obstetric performance of mothers aged 40 years and above
Leukocyte populations, hormone receptors and apoptosis in eutopic and ectopic first trimester human pregnancies
Expression of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and placental growth factor (PlGF) in conceptus and endometrium during implantation in the rhesus monkey
Prostaglandin E2-dependent production of latent matrix metalloproteinase-9 in cultures of human fetal membranes
Studies of cervical ripening in pregnant rats: effects of various treatments
The effect of mifepristone administration on leukocyte populations, matrix metalloproteinases and inflammatory mediators in the first trimester cervix
Expression of the cyclic AMP-dependent transcription factors, CREB, CREM and ATF2, in the human myometrium during pregnancy and labour
Binding of human EPF to receptors on PMBC as a first signal of pregnancy immunomodulation
Development and Validation of a radioimmunoassay for human secretory ‘pregnancy-associated endometrial α2-globulin’ (α2-PEG) and detection in serum during pregnancy
Case report: accidental GnRH agonist administration during early pregnancy
Left ectopic pregnancy following gamete intra-Fallopian transfer into the right Fallopian tube: a report on two cases
Secretory endometrial protein PP14 in women with early pregnancy bleeding
CASE REPORT: Hydatidiform mole coexisting with a fetus in twin gestation following gonadotrophin induction of ovulation
Incidence and significance of unequal gestational sac diameter or embryo crown - rump length in twin pregnancy
Chromosome heteromorphisms and early recurrent abortions
Parathyroid hormone related protein (PTHrP) gene expression in fetal and extra-embryonic tissues of early pregnancy
Association of bacterial vaginosis with a history of second trimester miscarriage
In-vitro fertilization and embryo transfer: a collaborative study of 1163 pregnancies on the incidence and risk factors of ectopic pregnancies
Incidence of gestational trophoblastic disease by regional registration in Japan
Luteal function associated with single, multiple and ectopic embryo implantation in natural cycles or after ovarian hyperstimulation for in-vitro fertilization/gamete intra-Fallopian transfer
The probability of multiple births when multiple gestational sacs or viable embryos are diagnosed at first trimester ultrasound
The place of methotrexate in the management of interstitial pregnancy
Expression of human chorionic gonadotrophin α and β subunits is depressed in trophoblast from pregnancies with early embryonic failure
CASE REPORT: ‘Chemical curettage’ using intrauterine methotrexate injection
Is luteal function maintained by factors other than chorionic gonadotrophin in early pregnancy?
Relaxin concentrations in exoembryonic fluids during the first trimester
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