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Optimal control problems involving partial differential equations
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MSC 2010
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Existence theories
Problemi di controllo ottimale coinvolgenti equazioni differenziali alle derivate parziali
Optimal control problems involving partial differential equations
Nash equilibrium for a multiobjective control problem related to wastewater management
Spectral inequality and optimal cost of controllability for the Stokes system
Optimal control and numerical adaptivity for advection-diffusion equations
Convergence of discontinuous Galerkin approximations of an optimal control problem associated to semilinear parabolic PDE's
Error Estimates for the Numerical Approximation of Semilinear Elliptic Control Problems with Finitely Many State Constraints
Control of the Wave Equation by Time-Dependent Coefficient
Some remarks on existence results for optimal boundary control problems
Conical differentiability for bone remodeling contact rod models
Optimal control of the Primitive Equations of the ocean with Lagrangian observations
Quasiconvex relaxation of multidimensional control problems with integrands f( t, ξ, v)
Semi-global C1 solution and exact boundary controllability for reducible quasilinear hyperbolic systems
A null controllability data assimilation methodology applied to a large scale ocean circulation model
Minimal invasion: An optimal L ∞ state constraint problem
Mean-Field Optimal Control
Physiologically Structured Cell Population Dynamic Models with Applications to Combined Drug Delivery Optimisation in Oncology
Convergence of the time-discretized monotonic schemes
A topological asymptotic analysis for the regularized grey-level image classification problem
Linear Size-structured Population Models with Spacial Diffusion and Optimal Harvesting Problems
Optimal control of the bidomain system (III): Existence of minimizers and first-order optimality conditions
Optimal Screening in Structured SIR Epidemics
A priori error estimates for a state-constrained elliptic optimal control problem
Optimal feedback control for undamped wave equations by solving a HJB equation
Sharp interface control in a Penrose−Fife model
Optimal snapshot location for computing POD basis functions
Optimal pits and optimal transportation
Control Approach to an Ill-Posed Variational Inequality
Dirichlet control of unsteady Navier-Stokes type system related to Soret convection by boundary penalty method
Optimal control for distributed systems subject to null-controllability. Application to discriminating sentinels
Optimal control of linearized compressible Navier-Stokes equations
Stackelberg-Nash exact controllability for linear and semilinear parabolic equations
Robust optimal shape design for an elliptic PDE with uncertainty in its input data
BV solutions constructed using the epsilon-neighborhood method
A convex analysis approach to optimal controls with switching structure for partial differential equations
Optimal LQ-feedback control for a class of first-order hyperbolic distributed parameter systems
Homogenization of constrained optimal control problems for one-dimensional elliptic equations on periodic graphs
Time optimal control of the heat equation with pointwise control constraints
PDE-constrained optimization of time-dependent 3D electromagnetic induction heating by alternating voltages
A minimum effort optimal control problem for elliptic PDEs
optimal control for a nonlinear system describing the mechanochemical process in cell morphogenesis
Some Applications of Optimal Control Theory of Distributed Systems
A theoretical and numerical determination of optimal ship forms based on Michell’s wave resistance
An optimisation approach for stability analysis and controller synthesis of linear hyperbolic systems
Stackelberg exact controllability of a class of nonlocal parabolic equations
Optimal design of elastic plates
Optimal distributed control for a Cahn-Hilliard-Darcy system with mass sources, unmatched viscosities and singular potential
Numerical analysis of a nonsmooth quasilinear elliptic control problem: I. Explicit second-order optimality conditions
Regularity results and optimal velocity control of the convective nonlocal Cahn-Hilliard equation in 3D
Optimal control of fractional semilinear PDEs
Improved regularity assumptions for partial outer convexification of mixed-integer PDE-constrained optimization problems
Risk-averse optimal control of semilinear elliptic PDEs
Optimal bilinear control problem related to a chemo-repulsion system in 2D domains
Existence of optimal shapes under a uniform ball condition for geometric functionals involving boundary value problems
The effect of the terminal penalty in Receding Horizon Control for a class of stabilization problems
Global minima for optimal control of the obstacle problem
Dynamic programming and feedback analysis of the two dimensional tidal dynamics system
Optimal control of static contact in finite strain elasticity
Optimal control theory and advanced optimality conditions for a diffuse interface model of tumor growth
An extension of a Lyapunov approach to the stabilization of second order coupled systems
External optimal control of fractional parabolic PDEs
Analysis of control problems of nonmontone semilinear elliptic equations
Optimal control of stochastic phase-field models related to tumor growth
Stochastic homogenization of deterministic control problems
Optimal control of the two-dimensional Vlasov-Maxwell system
Oscillating PDE in a rough domain with a curved interface: Homogenization of an Optimal Control Problem
First and second order optimality conditions for the control of Fokker-Planck equations
An optimal control problem related to a 3D-chemotaxis-Navier-Stokes model
Sparse optimal control of a phase field system with singular potentials arising in the modeling of tumor growth
Exponential Turnpike property for fractional parabolic equations with non-zero exterior data
Second-order analysis of an optimal control problem in a phase field tumor growth model with singular potentials and chemotaxis
Strong rates of convergence for a space-time discretization of the backward stochastic heat equation, and of a linear-quadratic control problem for the stochastic heat equation
High-order homogenization in optimal control by the Bloch wave method
Long time behavior and turnpike solutions in mildly non-monotone mean field games
ERRATUM: Cylindrical optimal rearrangement problem leading to a new type obstacle problem
Optimal Borel measure controls for the two-dimensional stationary Boussinesq system
New results concerning the hierarchical control of linear and semilinear parabolic equations
A novel W1,∞ approach to shape optimisation with Lipschitz domains
Error Estimates for a Tree Structure Algorithm Solving Finite Horizon Control Problems
Topology optimization for quasistatic elastoplasticity
Optimality Conditions and Moreau-Yosida Regularization for Almost Sure State Constraints
A rearrangement minimization problem corresponding to p-Laplacian equation
Second-order analysis of Fokker-Planck ensemble optimal control problems
Equivalence of three kinds of optimal control problems for linear heat equations with memory
Stability in Affine Optimal Control Problems Constrained by Semilinear Elliptic Partial Differential Equations
Phase-field methods for spectral shape and topology optimization
Turnpike properties of optimal boundary control problems with random linear hyperbolic systems
Optimal control problems of nonlocal interaction equations
Phase field topology optimisation for 4D printing
Optimal control of a parabolic equation with memory
Vanishing viscosity in mean-field optimal control
T-junction of ferroelectric wires
An optimal transport approach for solving dynamic inverse problems in spaces of measures
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