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Quantification of DNA BI/BII Backbone States in Solution.Implications for DNA Overall Structure and Recognition
The Pb122- and Pb102- Zintl Ions and the M@Pb122- andM@Pb102- Cluster Series Where M = Ni, Pd, Pt
Organometallic Chemistry of Amidate Complexes. Accelerating Effect ofBidentate Ligands on the Reductive Elimination of N-Aryl Amidates fromPalladium(II)
Diblock Copolymer Micellar Nanoparticles Decorated with Annexin-A5Proteins
Nanoscale Metal−Organic Frameworks as Potential Multimodal ContrastEnhancing Agents
Dynamic Processes in Silyl Palladium Complexes: Evidence for IntermediateSi−H and Si−Si σ-Complexes
On the Mechanism of the Copper-Catalyzed Enantioselective1,4-Addition of Grignard Reagents to α,β-UnsaturatedCarbonyl Compounds
Metal-Enhanced Fluorescence from CdTe Nanocrystals: A Single-MoleculeFluorescence Study
Structure-Based Discovery of Glycolipids for CD1d-Mediated NKT CellActivation: Tuning the Adjuvant versus Immunosuppression Activity
Probing a Conjugated Polymer's Transfer of Organization-DependentProperties from Solutions to Films
Time-Resolved X-ray Excited Optical Luminescencefrom Tris(2-phenyl bipyridine)iridium [J. Am. Chem.Soc. 2006, 128, 3906−3907].
Rapid Growth of Polymer Brushes from Immobilized Initiators
Spectroscopic and Computational Studies of Co1+Cobalamin: Spectral and Electronic Properties of the “Superreduced”B12 Cofactor
Total Syntheses of Amphidinolide X and Y
Current-Induced Metallic State in an Organic (EDT-TSF)2GaCl4 Conductor
Silver Technology for Stabilization of Simple (Z)-Enethiols: StereoselectiveSynthesis and Reaction of Silver (Z)-Enethiolates
Semiconductor Nanocrystals and Silicate Nano-particles. Structure and Bonding, 118 Edited byXiaogang Peng (University of Arkansas, USA) and D.M. P. Mingos (Oxford University, UK). Series Edited byD. M. P. Mingos. Springer: Berlin, Heidelberg, NewYork. 2005. xii + 190 pp. $179.00. ISBN3-540-27805-2.
Metabolic Coupling of Dehydration and Decarboxylation in the Curacin APathway: Functional Identification of a Mechanistically Diverse Enzyme Pair
Intermolecular Amidation of Unactivated sp2 and sp3 C−H Bonds viaPalladium-Catalyzed Cascade C−H Activation/Nitrene Insertion
Effect on Kinetics by Deuterium in the 1,5-Hydrogen Shift of aCisoid-Locked 1,3(Z)-Pentadiene,2-Methyl-10-methylenebicyclo[4.4.0]dec-1-ene: Evidence forTunneling?
Designed High Affinity Cu2+-Binding α-Helical Foldamer
Selective Catalytic Oxidation of Ammonia to Nitrogen on Atomic OxygenPrecovered Au(111)
Single-Molecule Spectroelectrochemistry (SMS-EC)
Three-Dimensional 13C-Detected CH3-TOCSY Using SelectivelyProtonated Proteins: Facile Methyl Resonance Assignmentand Protein Structure Determination
Multiphase Homogeneous Catalysis: Volumes 1−2 Edited by Boy Cornils (Hofheim, Germany), WolfgangA. Herrmann (Universität München, Germany), Istvan T.Horvath (Eötvös University, Hungary), Walter Leitner(RWTH, Aachen, Germany), Stefan Mecking(Universität Konstanz, Germany), Hélène Olivier-Bourbigou (Institut Français du Pétrole, Vernaison,France), and Dieter Vogt (Eindhoven University ofTechnology, the Netherlands). Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH& Co. KGaA: Weinheim. 2005. xxxiv + xxxiv + 872 pp.$385.00. ISBN 3-527-30721-4.
Adsorption of Benzene-1,4-dithiol on the Au(111) Surface and Its PossibleRole in Molecular Conductance
Role of the Metal Oxidation State in the SNS−Cr Catalyst forEthylene Trimerization: Isolation of Di- and Trivalent CationicIntermediates
Sensitization of Cancer Cells to DNA Damaging Agents byImidazolines
Do Collective Atomic Fluctuations Account for Cooperative Effects?Molecular Dynamics Studies of the U1A−RNA Complex
Photochemical Route to the Synthesis of Thiolane 1-Oxides
Exceptional Near-Infrared Fluorescence Quantum Yields and Excited-StateAbsorptivity of Highly Conjugated Porphyrin Arrays
Nanoparticle-Assisted Surface Immobilization of Phospholipid Liposomes
A Perfectly Hydrophobic Surface (θA/θR = 180°/180°)
Bolaamphiphiles Promote Phospholipid Translocation AcrossVesicle Membranes
Racemic Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes Exhibit Circular Dichroism WhenWrapped with DNA
High-Speed Electroseparations Inside Silica Colloidal Crystals
Self-Threading of a Poly(ethylene glycol) Chain in a Cyclodextrin-Ring: Control of the Exchange Dynamics by Chain Length
Exploring the Limits of DNA Size: Naphtho-HomologatedDNA Bases and Pairs
Speeding Up Three-Dimensional Protein NMR Experiments to a Few Minutes
A Highly Reduced Vanadium(III/IV) Polyoxovanadate Comprising anOctavanadyl Square-Prism Surrounding a Dimetallic Vanadium(III) Fragment
Electrical Characteristics and Chemical Stability of Non-Oxidized,Methyl-Terminated Silicon Nanowires
Combined Magnetic and Single-Crystal X-ray Structural Studyof the Linear Chain Antiferromagnet [(CH3)4N][MnCl3] underVarying Pressure
Evaluation of Biologically Relevant Short α-Helices Stabilizedby a Main-Chain Hydrogen-Bond Surrogate
La3Ni2O6: A New Double T‘-type Nickelate with Infinite Ni1+/2+O2 Layers
Self-Condensed Nanoparticles of Oligofluorenes with Water-Soluble SideChains
Intramolecular C−H Activation Reactions of Molybdenacyclobutanes
Self-Assembly of Organic Monolayers on Aerosolized SiliconNanoparticles
Highly Active Au(I) Catalyst for the Intramolecularexo-Hydrofunctionalization of Allenes with Carbon, Nitrogen,and Oxygen Nucleophiles
Comparison of Facially Amphiphilic Biaryl Dendrimers withClassical Amphiphilic Ones Using Protein SurfaceRecognition as the Tool
A Binuclear Fe(III)Dy(III) Single Molecule Magnet. Quantum Effects and Models
Macrolactonization via Hydrocarbon Oxidation
Subangstrom Crystallography Reveals that Short IonicHydrogen Bonds, and Not a His-Asp Low-Barrier HydrogenBond, Stabilize the Transition State in Serine ProteaseCatalysis
Theoretical Evidence of PtSn Alloy Efficiency for COOxidation
Molecular Understanding of Alumina Supported Single-SiteCatalysts by a Combination of Experiment and Theory
Programmable Oligomers for Minor Groove DNA Recognition
Kinetic Analysis for Formation of Cd1-xZnxSe Solid-Solution Nanocrystals
Facile Functionalization of a Metal Carbon Bond by O-Atom Transfer
Dithienosilole− and Dibenzosilole−Thiophene Copolymers asSemiconductors for Organic Thin-Film Transistors
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