| - A simple and rapid method for the quantitative determination of four major components found inoregano and thyme essential oils is presented. The method correlates the Raman peak intensity inthe spectral region from 1800 to 600 cm-1 and the concentration percentage of each particularconstituent in the sample. To achieve accurate quantification results and avoid the risk of overlappingpeaks of unknown Raman-active substances in natural essential oils, the peaks must be analyzed.For this purpose, PEAKSOLVE software (Ver. 1.0.5) was used. Unknown samples were measuredwith the FT-Raman method, and the results were compared to those of the gas chromatographic(GC) analysis. The comparison was made at a confidence level of 99%, and the two methods scoredequally in terms of repeatability and accuracy even at the edge of the method specifications. Thenew method can provide accurate results in very short times once the setup is complete and couldbe utilized in areas where vast amounts of samples must be analyzed. Keywords: FT-Raman; oregano; thyme; essential oil; quantitative; deconvolution