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Copyright © 2001 American Chemical Society
Copyright © 2001 by the American Chemical Society
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American Chemical Society
by the American Chemical Society
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Self-Diffusion of Ions at Different Time Scales in a Porous and Charged Medium: TheNafion Membrane
Alternative Self-Assembled Films of Metal-Ion-Bridged 3,4,9,10-PerylenetetracarboxylicAcid on Nanostructured TiO2 Electrodes and Their Photoelectrochemical Properties
Annealing-Induced Molecular Reorientation in Oligosilane Thin Films
Water Splitting into H2 and O2 on Alkali Tantalate Photocatalysts ATaO3(A = Li, Na, and K)
Disrupting Helix Formation in Unsolvated Peptides
Metal Selectivity in Metalloproteins: Zn2+ vs Mg2+
Kinetic Isotope Effects in the N2O Decomposition over NiO
Electronic States of Chemisorbed Oxygen Species and Their Mutually Related Studies onSnO2 Thin Film
Effects of Potassium on the Chemisorption of CO on the Mo2C/Mo(100) Surface
Scanning Near-Field Exciton Microscopy: Detection of Single Molecules on an OrganicSurface
Adsorption, Isomerization, and Decomposition of HCN on Si(100)2 × 1: A ComputationalStudy with a Double-Dimer Cluster Model
Density Functional Study of the Photoactive Yellow Protein's Chromophore
Formation and Distinctive Decay Times of Surface- and Lattice-Bound Mn2+ ImpurityLuminescence in ZnS Nanoparticles
H-Aggregate Formation in Squarylium Langmuir−Blodgett Films
Nonlinear Behavior in the NO−H2 Reaction over Ir(110) Studied by Fast X-rayPhotoelectron Spectroscopy
Nucleation Stage in the Ti(OPri)4 Sol−Gel Process
Photoionization of N-alkylphenothiazines in Mesoporous Me-AlMCM-41 ContainingTransition Metal Ions Me = Ni(II), Fe(III), and Cu(II)
The Use of Impedance Spectroscopy for the Characterization of Protein-Modified ISFETDevices: Application of the Method for the Analysis of Biorecognition Processes
Metastable Electrons, High-Mobility Solvent Anions, and Charge Transfer Reactions inSupercritical Carbon Dioxide
Silver Electrocrystallization onto Carbon Electrodes with Different Surface Morphology: Active Sites vs Surface Features
Photophysical Properties and Optoelectronic Device Applications of a NovelNaphthalene−Vinylene Type Conjugated Polymer
Dielectric Relaxation Behavior of Cationic Micellar Solutions: 2
59Co and 6,7Li MAS NMR in Polytypes O2 and O3 of LiCoO2
Scanning Tunneling Microscopy Investigation of a Chirally Pure Molecule at theLiquid−Solid Interface: Unambiguous Topographic Markers
Electron Transfer Effects in Ozone Decomposition on Supported Manganese Oxide
Comparison of the DSC Curves Obtained for Aqueous Solutions of Nonionic and IonicSurfactants
Electrochemical Characterization of Self-Assembled Alkylsiloxane Monolayers onIndium−Tin Oxide (ITO) Semiconductor Electrodes
DFT Calculations on the Protonation of Alkanes on HF/SbF5 Superacids Using ClusterModels
Ab Initio Evaluation of the Free Energy Surfaces for the General Base/Acid CatalyzedThiolysis of Formamide and the Hydrolysis of Methyl Thiolformate: A Reference SolutionReaction for Studies of Cysteine Proteases
Sorption of Ammonia in Cation-Exchanged Omega Zeolite and Gallium Analogue
FTIR Study on Molecular Motions of Benzene Adsorbed in ZSM-5 Zeolite: Role ofCharge-Balancing Cations and Pore Size
Characterization and HDS Activity of Cobalt Molybdenum Nitrides
Synthetic Control of the Diameter and Length of Single Crystal Semiconductor Nanowires
Characterization and Reactivity of Molybdenum Oxide Catalysts Supported on Niobia
A Persistent Carbenium Ion on the Methanol-to-Olefin Catalyst HSAPO-34: AcetoneShows the Way
The MS-Q Force Field for Clay Minerals: Application to Oil Production
Effect of −C(CF3)2− on the Surface Energy of Main-Chain Liquid Crystalline andCrystalline Polymers
Density of Salt Solutions: Effect of Ions on the Apparent Density of Water
In Situ Scanning Tunneling Microscopy Study of the Anodic Oxidation of Cu(111) in 0.1 MNaOH
Structure, Composition, and Thermal Expansion of CO2 Hydrate from Single Crystal X-rayDiffraction Measurements
Adsorption of Alkanethiols and Biphenylthiols on Au and Ag Substrates: AHigh-Resolution X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy Study
Synthesis and Temperature-Dependence of Hydrogen-Terminated Silicon Clusters
Surface Micelles of CF3(CF2)7(CH2)10COOH on Aqueous La3+ Subphase Investigated byAtomic Force Microscopy and Infrared Spectroscopy
From Colloidal Aggregates to Layered Nanosized Structures in Polymer−SurfactantSystems. 1. Basic Phenomena
Electrochemical and Raman Spectroscopy Study of a Nafion Perfluorosulfonic Membranein Organic Solvent−Water Mixtures
Pressure Tuning of Reaction Equilibrium of Esterification of Acetic Acid with Ethanol inCompressed CO2
Dynamics and Phase Transition in Adsorbed Monolayers of Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate/Dodecanol Mixtures
A Coarse Grain Model for Phospholipid Simulations
Wet Chemical Synthesis of High Aspect Ratio Cylindrical Gold Nanorods
Effect of Hydrophobic Substances on the Volume-Phase Transition ofN-Isopropylacrylamide Gels
A Theoretical Study of the Mechanism for the Reductive Half-Reaction of Pea SeedlingAmine Oxidase (PSAO)
Evaluation of the Separation Efficiency of Some Processes Based on Interaction of ReactiveSpecies with a Static, Spatially Periodic Potential
Reaction-Induced FT-IR Spectroscopic Studies of Biological Energy Conversion in OxygenicPhotosynthesis and Transport
Photocatalytic Oxidation of 2-Propanol on TiO2 Powder and TiO2 Monolayer CatalystsStudied by Solid-State NMR
Morphological Dependence of Radiative and Nonradiative Relaxation Energy Balance inPhotoexcited Aryl Ether Dendrimers as Observed by Fluorescent and Thermal LensSpectroscopies
EPR Study of the Semiquinone Biradical QA•-QB•- in Photosynthetic Reaction Centers ofRhodobactersphaeroides at 326 GHz: Determination of the Exchange Interaction Jo
Light Harvesting by Chlorophylls and Carotenoids in the Photosystem I Core Complex ofSynechococcus elongatus: A Fluorescence Upconversion Study
Vibrational Dephasing of Carbonmonoxy Myoglobin
Molecular Orientation in Vacuum-Deposited Peralkyloligosilane Thin Films
Studies on the Formation of DNA−Cationic Lipid Composite Films and DNA Hybridizationin the Composites
A Density Functional Study of Possible Intermediates of the Reaction of Dioxygen Moleculewith Nonheme Iron Complexes. 2. “Water-Assisted” Model Studies
Formation of Covalently Linked Self-Assembled Films of a Functional HyperbranchedConjugated Poly(Phenylene Vinylene)
Worm Model for Electron Tunneling in Proteins: Consolidation of the Pathway Model andthe Dutton Plot
Relationship between Packing Structure and Monomer Reactivity in the PhotoinducedSolid-State Polymerizations of Muconic Diesters with Different Side Groups
Influence of Alkali and Alkaline Earth Cations on the Brønsted Acidity of Zeolites
Dual Luminescence and Excited-State Dynamics in Ti2+ Doped NaCl
Anionic and Upper-Excited Fluorescence of C60 Encapsulated in Y Zeolitic Nanocavity
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