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First-Principles Calculations of Migration Energy of Lithium Ions in Halides andChalcogenides
Theoretical Investigation of the Structure and Coverage of the Si(111)−OCH3 Surface
Molecular Dynamics Simulation Study of Water Adsorption on Hydroxylated GraphiteSurfaces
X- (X = O, S) Ions in Alkali Halide Lattices through Density Functional Calculations. 1.Substitutional Defect Models
Dielectric Study of the Slow Motional Processes in the Polymorphic States of AnhydrousCaffeine
Conformational Analysis of Sulfate Species on Ag/Al2O3 by Means of Theoretical andExperimental Vibration Spectra
Effects of Thermal Treatments on the Recovery of Adsorbed Water and PhotocatalyticActivities of TiO2 Photocatalytic Systems
Effect of Ionic Solutes on the Hydrogen Bond Network Dynamics of Water: Power SpectralAnalysis of Aqueous NaCl Solutions
Initial Surface Reactions of TiO2 Atomic Layer Deposition onto SiO2 Surfaces: DensityFunctional Theory Calculations
Ab Initio Molecular Dynamics Simulation of NO Reactivity on the CaO(001) Surface
2H NMR Evidence for the Formation of Random Mesh Phases in NonionicSurfactant−Water Systems
Ab Initio Theoretical Study of Temperature and Density Dependence of Molecular andThermodynamic Properties of Water in the Entire Fluid Region: Autoionization Processes
Kinetic Pathways of Phase Ordering in Lipid Raft Model Systems
Investigations of the Adsorption of n-Pentane in Several Representative Zeolites
Low-Temperature Anomalies of Two-Photon Absorption in In2O3 NanocrystalsIncorporated into PMMA Matrixes
Comparison of Atomic-Level and Coarse-Grained Models for Liquid Hydrocarbons fromMolecular Dynamics Configurational Entropy Estimates
Sampling of Rare Events Using Hidden Restraints
Coverage-Dependent Kinetics and Thermodynamics of Carbon Monoxide Adsorption on aTernary Copper Catalyst Derived from Static Adsorption Microcalorimetry
Synthesis and Characterizations of Amorphous Carbon Nanotubes by Pyrolysis ofFerrocene Confined within AAM Templates
Enthalpy−Entropy Contributions to the Potential of Mean Force of NanoscopicHydrophobic Solutes
Molecular Depth Profiling with Cluster Ion Beams
Coupled Membrane Fluctuations and Protein Mobility in Supported IntermembraneJunctions
Modeling of Supramolecular Ordering and Physicochemical Properties inCyclohexane−Ethanol Mixtures
Formation of a Three-Dimensional Microstructure of Fe3O4−Poly(vinyl alcohol) Compositeby Evaporating the Hydrosol under a Magnetic Field
Molecular Conformations of Protonated Dipropylamine in AlPO4-11, AlPO4-31, SAPO-34,and AlPO4-41 Molecular Sieves
Surface Plasmon−Quantum Dot Coupling from Arrays of Nanoholes
Radical Ions of α,α‘-Bis(diphenylamino)-capped Oligothiophenes: A CombinedSpectroelectrochemical and Theoretical Study
Thermodynamic Calculations in the System CH4-H2O and Methane Hydrate PhaseEquilibria
Generalized Two-Dimensional Heterocorrelation Analysis of Spectrally Resolved andTemporally Resolved Fluorescence of the 8-Anilino-1-naphthalenesulfonate−ApomyoglobinComplex with pH Perturbation
X- (X = O, S, Se) Ions in Alkali Halide Lattices through Density Functional Calculations.2. Interstitial Defect Models
Microwave-Assisted Synthesis of Calcium Carbonate (Vaterite) of Various Morphologies inWater−Ethylene Glycol Mixed Solvents
Derivation of Force Field Parameters for SnO2−H2O Surface Systems from Plane-WaveDensity Functional Theory Calculations
Rapid Growth and Flow-Mediated Nucleation of Millimeter-Scale Aligned CarbonNanotube Structures from a Thin-Film Catalyst
Quantum Chemical Study of Mechanisms for Oxidative Dehydrogenation of Propane onVanadium Oxide
Aluminum Chloride as a Solid Is Not a Strong Lewis Acid
Metastable γ-MnS Hierarchical Architectures: Synthesis, Characterization, and GrowthMechanism
Observation of pH-Dependent Back-Electron-Transfer Dynamics in Alizarin/TiO2Adsorbates: Importance of Trap States
Conformational Equilibrium of Bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl) Imide Anion of aRoom-Temperature Ionic Liquid: Raman Spectroscopic Study and DFT Calculations
Triangle of Liquid−Gas States
Three-Dimensional Description of the Spontaneous Onset of Homochirality on the Surfaceof a Conglomerate Crystal Phase
Stable Gas-Phase Radical Cations of Dimeric Tryptophan and Tyrosine Derivatives
Electrical Bistability and Memory Phenomenon in Carbon Nanotube-Conjugated PolymerMatrixes
Evidence of the Interaction of Evaporated Pt Nanoparticles with Variously TreatedSurfaces of Highly Oriented Pyrolytic Graphite
From Fractal to Nanorod Porphyrin J-Aggregates. Concentration-Induced Tuning of theAggregate Size
Hydrogen Storage Properties of Metal Nitroprussides M[Fe(CN)5NO], (M = Co, Ni)
Triplet-State and Singlet Oxygen Formation in Fluorene-Based Alternating Copolymers
Gibbs Energies of Transfer of Alkali Metal Cations between Mutually SaturatedWater−Solvent Systems Determined from Extraction Experiments with Radiotracer 137Cs
On the Nonequilibrium Thermodynamics of Large Departures from Butler−VolmerBehavior
Comparative Studies on Interactions of Bovine Serum Albumin with Cationic Gemini andSingle-Chain Surfactants
Effects of Zwitterionic Vesicles on the Reactivity of Benzoyl Chlorides
Silica Nanocoils
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