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Interfacial Organizations of Gel Phospholipid and Cholesterol inBovine Lung Surfactant Films
Nonionic Surfactants: A Key to Enhance the Enzyme Activity atCationic Reverse Micellar Interface
Self-Assembly and Thermal Phase Transition Behavior ofUnsymmetrical Bolaamphiphiles Having Glucose- andAmino-Hydrophilic Headgroups
Fractal-Type Particle Gel Formed from Gelatin + Starch Solution
Controlling Interfacial Curvature in Nanoporous Silica Films Formedby Evaporation-Induced Self-Assembly from Nonionic Surfactants. I.Evolution of Nanoscale Structures in Coating Solutions
Voltammetric and Surface-Enhanced Resonance Raman SpectroscopicCharacterization of Cytochrome c Adsorbed on a 4-MercaptopyridineMonolayer on Silver Electrodes
Roles of Interfacial Properties on the Stability of Emulsified BitumenDroplets
Structural Stability against Disintegration by Anionic LipidsRationalizes the Efficiency of Cationic Liposome/DNA Complexes
Preparation and Characterization of Pure and Mixed Monolayers ofPoly(ethylene Glycol) Brushes Chemically Adsorbed to Silica Surfaces
Straightforward Protein Immobilization on Sylgard 184 PDMSMicroarray Surface
One-Dimensional Nanostructures of Metals: Large-Scale Synthesis andSome Potential Applications
Photochemical Grafting and Activation of Organic Layers on GlassyCarbon and Pyrolyzed Photoresist Films
Controlling Aggregation of Nonionic Surfactants Using Mixed GlycolMedia
Probing the Permeability of Polyelectrolyte Multilayer Capsules via aMolecular Beacon Approach
Plasmon Coupling in Layer-by-Layer Assembled Gold Nanorod Films
Synthesis of Mesoporous Silica Helical Fibers Using aCatanionic-Neutral Ternary Surfactant in a Highly Dilute SilicaSolution: Biomimetic Silicification
Surface Characterizations of Spin-Coated Films of Ethylcellulose andHydroxypropyl Methylcellulose Blends
Characterizing Dispersion and Fragmentation of Fractal, PyrogenicSilica Nanoagglomerates by Small-Angle X-ray Scattering
Surface Adsorption and Micelle Formation of Surface Active IonicLiquids in Aqueous Solution
Defect-Free Polymer Multilayers Prepared via ChemoselectiveImmobilization
Grafting from Surfaces for “Everyone”: ARGET ATRP in thePresence of Air
Relaxometric and Magnetic Characterization of Ultrasmall Iron OxideNanoparticles with High Magnetization. Evaluation as Potential T1Magnetic Resonance Imaging Contrast Agents for Molecular Imaging
Peptide Immobilization on Amine-Terminated Boron-Doped DiamondSurfaces
Strategy to Introduce a Pendent Micellar Structure intoPoly(N-isopropylacrylamide) Hydrogels
Controlling Interfacial Curvature in Nanoporous Silica Films Formedby Evaporation-Induced Self-Assembly from Nonionic Surfactants. II.Effect of Processing Parameters on Film Structure
Adsorption of Hydrophobically Modified Poly(acrylamide)-co-(acrylicacid) on an Amino-Functionalized Surface and Its Response to theExternal Solvent Environment
Macroscopic, Mesostructured Cationic Surfactant/Neutral PolymerFilms: Structure and Cross-Linking
Mechanism of Ultraviolet Bonding of Perfluoropolyethers Revisited
Free-Standing Films of Fluorinated Surfactants as 2D Matrices forOrganizing Detergent-Solubilized Membrane Proteins
Whey Protein Soluble Aggregates from Heating with NaCl: Physicochemical, Interfacial, and Foaming Properties
Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles for Remote Opening ofPolyelectrolyte Microcapsules
Unique Molecular Orientation in a Smectic Liquid Crystalline PolymerFilm Attained by Surface-Initiated Graft Polymerization
Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate Adsorbed Monolayers on Gold Electrodes
Embedding of Individual Ferritin Molecules in Large, Self-SupportingSilica Nanofilms
Colorimetric Detection and Fingerprinting of Bacteria byGlass-Supported Lipid/Polydiacetylene Films
Apparent Microrheology of Oil−Water Interfaces by Single-ParticleTracking
Lipophilic Oligonucleotides Spontaneously Insert into LipidMembranes, Bind Complementary DNA Strands, and Sequester intoLipid-Disordered Domains
Synergistic Effects of Polymers and Surfactants on Depletion Forces
Temperature-Induced Vesicle Aggregation in Catanionic SurfactantSystems: The Effects of the Headgroup and Counterion
Efficiently Stabilized Spherical Vaterite CaCO3 Crystals by CarbonNanotubes in Biomimetic Mineralization
A QCM Study of the Immobilization of β-Galactosidase onPolyelectrolyte Surfaces: Effect of the Terminal Polyion on EnzymaticSurface Activity
Copolymer-Controlled Homogeneous Precipitation for the Synthesis ofPorous Microfibers of Alumina
High Capacity, Charge-Selective Protein Uptake by PolyelectrolyteBrushes
Investigation of the Effects of the Local Environment on theSurface-Enhanced Raman Spectra of Striped Gold/Silver NanorodArrays
Synthesis and Self-Assembly of Amphiphilic Polymeric Microparticles
Photoredox Chemistry of AOT: Electron Transfer and HydrogenAbstraction in Microemulsions Involving the Surfactant
Photoinduced “Stick−Slip” on Superhydrophilic SemiconductorSurfaces
Effect of Mixing on the Formation of Complexes of HyperbranchedCationic Polyelectrolytes and Anionic Surfactants
A Kinetic Model To Simulate Protein Crystal Growth in anEvaporation-Based Crystallization Platform
Interaction of DNA Oligomers with Cationic Lipidic Monolayers: Complexation and Splitting
On the Nature of the Brønsted Acidic Groups on Native andFunctionalized Mesoporous Siliceous SBA-15 as Studied byBenzylamine Adsorption from Solution
Initial Stages of Self-Organization of Silica−Alumina Gels in ZeoliteSynthesis
Energy Transfer in Molecular Layer-by-Layer Films of Water-SolublePerylene Diimides
Formation of Hierarchical Molecular Assemblies fromPoly(oxypropylene)-Segmented Amido Acids under AFM Tapping
Probing the Relationship between Interfacial Concentrations andLipase Activity in Cationic W/O Microemulsions: A QuantitativeStudy by Chemical Trapping
Short Peptides Enhance Single Cell Adhesion and Viability onMicroarrays
Surface-Mediated Chromate-Resistant Mechanism of EnterobacterCloacae Bacteria Investigated by Atomic Force Microscopy
Monomolecular Films of Phthalocyanines: Formation,Characterization, and Expelling by Alkanethiols
Aggregation, Adsorption, and Surface Properties of MultiplyEnd-Functionalized Polystyrenes
Thioflavin T and Birefringence Assays to Determine the Conversion ofProteins into Fibrils
Interaction Forces between Talc and Pitch Probed by Atomic ForceMicroscopy
Conjugated Polyelectrolyte-Grafted Silica Microspheres
Plasma Surface Modification and Characterization of POSS-BasedNanocomposite Polymeric Thin Films
Slow Drying of a Spray of Nanoparticles Dispersion. In Situ SAXSInvestigation
Self-Assembly and Physicochemical and RheologicalProperties of a Polysaccharide−Surfactant System Formedfrom the Cationic Biopolymer Chitosan and Nonionic SorbitanEsters
Steric Repulsion by Adsorbed Polymer Layers Studiedwith Total Internal Reflection Microscopy
Thermal Phase Behavior of DMPG: The Exclusion of ContinuousNetwork and Dense Aggregates
pH-Responsive Aggregates from Double Hydrophilic BlockCopolymers Carrying Zwitterionic Groups. Encapsulation ofAntiparasitic Compounds for the Treatment of Leishmaniasis
Microscale Control of Cell Contact and Spacing viaThree-Component Surface Patterning
Different Interactions between the Two Sides of Purple Membranewith Atomic Force Microscope Tip
Underpotential Deposition of Thallium, Lead, and Cadmium at SilverElectrodes Modified with Self-Assembled Monolayers of(3-Mercaptopropyl)trimethoxysilane
Rigiflex, Spontaneously Wettable Polymeric Mold for FormingReversibly Bonded Nanocapillaries
Reorganization of Hydrogen-Bonded Block Copolymer Complexes
Environmental Scanning Electron Microscopy Study of the FineStructure of the Triple Line and Cassie−Wenzel Wetting Transitionfor Sessile Drops Deposited on Rough Polymer Substrates
Structure of Mixed Micelles Formed in PEG-Lipid/Lipid Dispersions
Sub-micrometer Patterning of Proteins by Electric Lithography
Substrate- and Time-Dependent Photoluminescence of Quantum DotsInside the Ultrathin Polymer LbL Film
Incorporation of Glucose Oxidase into Langmuir−Blodgett FilmsBased on Prussian Blue Applied to Amperometric Glucose Biosensor
Formation of Primary Amines on Silicon Nitride Surfaces: a Direct,Plasma-Based Pathway to Functionalization
Bioactive Surface Modification of Mica and Poly(dimethylsiloxane)with Hydrophobins for Protein Immobilization
XPS and 1H NMR Study of Thermally Stabilized Rh/CeO2 CatalystsSubmitted to Reduction/Oxidation Treatments
Lecithin Organogels Used as Bioactive Compounds Carriers.A Microdomain Properties Investigation
Design and Fabrication of Micro-textures for Inducing aSuperhydrophobic Behavior on Hydrophilic Materials
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