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Copyright © 2002 American Chemical Society
Copyright © 2002 by the American Chemical Society
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American Chemical Society
by the American Chemical Society
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Rearrangement of Host Layers upon theInsertion of Organic Cations: Synthesisand Structure of (CH3NH3)MnTe2
Modifications in the Catalytic Properties of NickelSupported on Different Dielectric Oxides
Investigation of Structure and Morphology Dynamics inTin Fluorophosphate Glass − Polyethylene HybridsUsing Solid-State 1H, 13C, and 31P MAS NMR
Toward Controllable Self-assembly ofMicrostructures: SelectiveFunctionalization and Fabrication ofPatterned Spheres
Characterization of a New Potassium Titanate,KTiO2(OH) Synthesized via Hydrothermal Method
Density Functional Theory Calculations of SolidSolutions of Fluor- and Chlorapatites
Nanosized SnSb Alloy Pinning on Hard Non-GraphiticCarbon Spherules as Anode Materials for a Li IonBattery
Na2Ln2Ti3-xMnxO10 (Ln = Sm, Eu, Gd, and Dy; 0 ⩽ x ⩽ 1): A New Series of Ion-Exchangeable Layered PerovskitesContaining B-Site Manganese
Deposition and Characterization of Transparent ThinFilms of Zinc Oxide Doped with Bi and Sb
In Situ Mass Spectrometry Study on Surface Reactionsin Atomic Layer Deposition of TiN and Ti(Al)N ThinFilms
Variable-Temperature Electrical Measurements of ZincOxide/Tin Oxide-Cosubstituted Indium Oxide
Vacuum Deposition of Thin Films ofPentaphenylcyclopentadienyl Radical and TheirElectronic Properties
Layered Inorganic−Organic Talc-like Nanocomposites
Synthesis and Characterization of TitaniaNanostructures on Glass by Al Anodization and Sol−GelProcess
Light-Emitting Diodes Based on a Carbazole-DerivatizedDopant: Origin of Dopant Excitation as a Function ofthe Device Structure
Nanocomposite Multilayer Film of aRuthenium Metallodendrimer and aDawson-Type Polyoxometalate as aBifunctional Electrocatalyst
Assembly of Hydrothermally StableAluminosilicate Foams and Large-PoreHexagonal Mesostructures from ZeoliteSeeds under Strongly Acidic Conditions
Fire Retardant Halogen−Antimony−Clay Synergism inPolypropylene Layered Silicate Nanocomposites
Phase Equilibria in the C60 + Ferrocene System andSolid-State Studies of the C60·2Ferrocene Solvate
Cation Ordering and Electrochemical Properties of theCathode Materials LiZnxMn2-xO4, 0 < x ≤ 0.5: A 6LiMagic-Angle Spinning NMR Spectroscopy andDiffraction Study
Epitaxial Growth of CrO2 Thin Films on TiO2(110)Surfaces
The Electrochemical Reduction of Diazonium Salts onIron Electrodes. The Formation of Covalently BondedOrganic Layers and Their Effect on Corrosion
Anticorrosively Enhanced PMMA−Clay NanocompositeMaterials with Quaternary Alkylphosphonium Salt as anIntercalating Agent
Synthesis and Anion Exchange Chemistry ofRhombohedral Li/Al Layered Double Hydroxides
Study of Color Centers and Trace Oxygen in KMgF3:EuSingle Crystal
Hydrolysis of Magnesium Methoxide. Effects of Tolueneon Gel Structure and Gel Chemistry
Visualization of Compositional Fluctuations in ComplexOxides Using Energy-Filtering Transmission ElectronMicroscopy
Synthesis and Characterization of MesostructuredTitanium(IV) Fluorophosphates with a SemicrystallineInorganic Framework
A Novel Method To Synthesize AmorphousSilica−Alumina Materials with Mesoporous Distributionwithout Using Templates and Pore-Regulating Agents
Band Filling Control by Chemical Approach inMolecular Conductors, (TTM-TTP)MxCl4 [M, M‘ = Fe,Ga, Co, and Mn]
Rare Earth Oxide Coating of the Walls of SBA-15
Chemistry of Materials in 2002
Microstructural Analysis of Activated Carbons Preparedfrom Paper Mill Sludge by SANS and BET
Biphasic Solvothermal Synthesis: A NewApproach for Hybrid Inorganic−OrganicMaterials
A TEM and XRD Study of the Structural ChangesInvolved in Manganese-Based Regenerable Sorbents forHot Coal Gas Desulfurization
Oxo-Metal-Polyimide Nanocomposites. 2. Enhancementof Thermal, Mechanical, and Chemical Properties inSoluble Hexafluoroisopropylidine-Based Polyimides viathe in Situ Formation of Oxo-Lanthanide(III)-PolyimideNanocomposites
Chiral Metal Gallophosphates Templated by AchiralTriamine: Syntheses and Characterizations ofA[Mn(H2O)2Ga(PO4)2]3 and A[Zn3Ga(PO4)4]·H2O (A =H3DETA)
Magnetism and Colossal Magnetoresistance of thePseudo-Ternary Rare-Earth Transition-MetalCompounds, Eu14-xCaxMnSb11 (x< 3)
Inclusion Ability of 4-Phenylpyridine-ExtendedNickel(II) Dibenzoylmethanate, a New Metal−ComplexHost
Nanoporous Ultralow Dielectric ConstantOrganosilicates Templated by Triblock Copolymers
Dynamics of Photochemical Phase Transition of Guest/Host Liquid Crystals with an Azobenzene Derivative as aPhotoresponsive Chromophore
Investigation of Proton Dynamics within theHydrogen-Bond Network of the Layer SilicateNa−RUB-18
Novel Preparation and Properties ofPolypropylene−Vermiculite Nanocomposites
Assembly of Highly Ordered Three-Dimensional PorousStructure with Nanocrystalline TiO2 Semiconductors
Study of the TiO2−H2O−B2O3 Ternary System at 7.7 GPaand High Temperatures
Photo-Cross-Linkable Polymers with ThermallyDegradable Property
Solid-State Proton NMR Characterization of EthyleneOxide and Propylene Oxide Random and BlockCopolymer Composites with Poly(methylsilsesquioxanes)
UV-Assisted Graft Polymerization ofN-Vinyl-2-pyrrolidinone onto Poly(ether sulfone)Ultrafiltration Membranes Using Selective UVWavelengths
Novel Polyanionic Solid Electrolytes with Weak CoulombTraps and Controllable Caps and Spacers
New Low Band Gap Polymers: Control of Optical andElectronic Properties in near Infrared Absorbingπ-Conjugated Polysquaraines
Hydrophilic Oligo(oxyethylene)-DerivatizedPoly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophenes): Cation-ResponsiveOptoelectroelectrochemical Properties and Solid-StateChromism
Implantable Magnetic Glass−Ceramic Based on(Fe,Ca)SiO3 Solid Solutions
An Iron Polyolate Complex as a Precursor for theControlled Synthesis of Monodispersed Iron OxideColloids
Photo- and Electroluminescent Properties ofPolymethacrylates with Carbazolyl and FluorescentPendant Groups
UV Laser Photolysis of Disiloxanes for Chemical VaporDeposition of Nano-Textured Silicones
Chemical Structure and Properties ofPlasma-Polymerized Maleic Anhydride Films
Hierarchically Imprinted StationaryPhases: Mesoporous Polymer BeadsContaining Surface-Confined Binding Sitesfor Adenine
Monitoring the Crystal Growth andInterconversion of New CoordinationNetworks in the Self-assembly of MCl2Salts (M = Co, Ni, Cu, Cd) and1,3-Bis(4-pyridyl)propane
Zinc Doping in Cosubstituted In2-2xSnxZnxO3-δ
Compatibility of Soluble Polyimide/Silica HybridsInduced by a Coupling Agent
Spin, Charge, and Orbital Ordering in the B-Site DilutedManganates La2-xSrxGaMnO6
Main Chain-ContainingAzo-Tetraphenyldiaminobiphenyl PhotorefractivePolymers
Exploring the Potential of Mesoporous Silica, SBA-15, asan Adsorbent for Light Hydrocarbon Separation
Columnar Mesophase from a New Disclike MesogenBased on a 3,5-Dicyano-2,4,6-tristyrylpyridine Core
Formation of (Functionalized) Monolayersand Simultaneous Surface Patterning byScribing Silicon in the Presence of AlkylHalides
Effects of Filler Particle/Elastomer Distribution andInteraction on Composite Mechanical Properties
Oxynitride Perovskites: Synthesis and Structures ofLaZrO2N, NdTiO2N, and LaTiO2N and Comparison withOxide Perovskites
Fully Spiro-Configured Terfluorenes as NovelAmorphous Materials Emitting Blue Light
Modeling and Analysis of the X-ray Powder DiffractionStructure of γ-Zirconium Phosphates Pillared with ButylChains through Molecular Dynamics Simulations
Synthesis of High Silica Zeolites Using a MixedQuaternary Ammonium Cation, Amine Approach: Discovery of Zeolite SSZ-47
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