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Electronic Structure and Properties of Poly- and Oligoazulenes
New Fluorene Derivatives for Blue Electroluminescent Devices: Influence of Substituents onThermal Properties, Photoluminescence, and Electroluminescence
Photoconductivity of Self-Assembled Nanotapes Made frommeso-Tri(4-sulfonatophenyl)monophenylporphine
Kinetic Investigation of the Solvation of Lithium Salts in Siloxanes
Strain Analysis of AuxCu1-x−Cu2O Biphase Nanoparticles with Heteroepitaxial Interface
Hierarchically Nanostructured Magnetic Hollow Spheres of Fe3O4 and γ-Fe2O3: Preparation and Potential Application in Drug Delivery
A Principle of Detecting and Differentiating Dialdehydes from Monoaldehydes by usingSurface Reactions and Liquid Crystals
Molecular Dynamics Simulation Study of Growth Regimes during Polycondensation ofSilicic Acid: from Silica Nanoparticles to Porous Gels
Long-Time Scale Molecular Dynamics Study of Diffusion Dynamics of Small Cu Clusters onCu(111) Surface
Single Step, Low-Temperature Synthesis of Submicron-Sized Rare Earth Hexaborides
Self-Assembled Supramolecular Ferrocene−Fullerene Dyads and Triad: Formation andPhotoinduced Electron Transfer
Energy Transfer in a Nanoscale Multichromophoric System: Fluorescent Dye-DopedConjugated Polymer Nanoparticles
Interaction of Chromium(VI) with the α-Aluminum Oxide−Water Interface
Platinum Thin Film Consisting of Well-Aligned Nanowires and Its Optical Behavior
Molecular-Level Modeling of the Structure and Wetting of Electrode/Electrolyte Interfacesin Hydrogen Fuel Cells
Room-temperature Chemical Vapor Deposition of Aluminum and Aluminum Oxides onAlkanethiolate Self-Assembled Monolayers
Acoustic Phonon Contributions to the Emission Spectrum of Single CdSe Nanocrystals
Orbital-Specific Analysis of CO Chemisorption on Transition-Metal Surfaces
New Insight into the Vibrational Behavior of Nickel Hydroxide and Oxyhydroxide UsingInelastic Neutron Scattering, Far/Mid-Infrared and Raman Spectroscopies
A Facile Approach for the Synthesis of Uniform Hollow Carbon Nanospheres
Structure and Dynamics of Water Confined in a Boron Nitride Nanotube
Low-Energy Structures of Ligand Passivated Si Nanoclusters: Theoretical Investigation ofSi2L4 and Si10L16 (L = H, CH3, OH, and F)
Atomic Resolution Imaging on CeO2(111) with Hydroxylated Probes
Aging-Induced Strong Anomalous Hall Effect at Room Temperature for Cu(Co)Nanoparticle Film
Visualization of Horizontally-Aligned Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube Growth with 13C/12CIsotopes
From ZnS·en0.5 Nanosheets to Wurtzite ZnS Nanorods under Solvothermal Conditions
Synthesis and Characterization of Zinc-Blende CdSe-Based Core/Shell Nanocrystals andTheir Luminescence in Water
Molecular Dynamics Study of Structure and Transport of Water and Hydronium Ions atthe Membrane/Vapor Interface of Nafion
Enhanced Biocatalytic Activity of ORMOSIL-Encapsulated Cutinase: The MatrixStructural Perspective
Adsorption and Decomposition of Methanol on Gold Nanoclusters Supported on a ThinFilm of Al2O3/NiAl(100)
Ionization of Gold Nanoparticles in Solution by Pulse Laser Excitation as Studied by MassSpectrometric Detection of Gold Cluster Ions
Electrochemical Growth of Pd for the Synthesis of Multiwall Carbon Nanotubes
Determination of Nanocluster Sizes from Dark-Field Scanning Transmission ElectronMicroscopy Images
Efficient Room-Temperature Conversion of Anatase to Rutile TiO2 Induced by High-SpinIon Doping
Synthesis of Hexagonal-Shaped SnO2 Nanocrystals and SnO2@C Nanocomposites forElectrochemical Redox Supercapacitors
6Li{31P} Rotational-Echo, Double-Resonance Studies of Lithium Ion Site Dynamics inLi3V2(PO4)3
Enhanced Luminescence of BPO4 by Mixing with SiO2 and Al2O3
Thermochemical Hole Burning on TEA(TCNQ)2 Single Crystal at Varied Temperatures inUHV System
Chromatographic Fractionation of SWNT/DNA Dispersions with On-Line Multi-AngleLight Scattering
Synthesis of Carboxylic Acid Monolayers by Ozonolysis of 10-UndecenyltrichlorosilaneSAMs
Formation and Ordering of Gold Nanoparticles at the Toluene−Water Interface
Stability of a Surface Adlayer at Elevated Temperature: Coronene andHeptanoic Acid on Au(111)
Adsorbed Monolayers of Mixed Surfactant Solutions of Sodium Dodecylsulfate andCetylpyridinium Chloride Studied by Infrared External Reflection Spectroscopy
Dynamics of Water Adsorption onto a Calcite Surface as aFunction of Relative Humidity
Orientation-Dependent Raman Spectroscopy of Single Wurtzite CdS Nanowires
Subnanometer Imaging of Adsorbate-Induced Electronic Structure Perturbation on SiliconSurfaces
Steric and Temperature Control of Enantiopurity of Chiral Mesoporous Silica
Molecular Structure of a Mineral/Water Interface: Effects of Surface NanoRoughness ofα-Al2O3 (0001)
Rational Functionalization of Carbon Nanotube/Ionic Liquid Bucky Gel with DualTailor-Made Electrocatalysts for Four-Electron Reduction of Oxygen
In Situ Time-Resolved Characterization of Ni−MoO2 Catalysts for the Water−Gas ShiftReaction
Quantitative Evaluation of Covalently Bound Molecules on GaP (100) Surfaces
Nanomechanical Properties of Arachidic Acid Langmuir−Blodgett Films
Interactions between Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes and Polyethylene/Polypropylene/Polystyrene/Poly(phenylacetylene)/Poly(p-phenylenevinylene) Considering Repeat UnitArrangements and Conformations: A Molecular Dynamics Simulation Study
Effect of Interfacial Presence of Oriented Thiocyanate on Water Structure
Atomic Layer Deposition of Indium Tin Oxide Thin Films Using NonhalogenatedPrecursors
Influence of Interparticle Electrostatic Repulsion in the Initial Stage of AqueousSemiconductor Nanocrystal Growth
Debundling of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes by a Nanoball-Penetrating Method
Evidence of Charge Transfer at the Cu-phthalocyanine/Al(100) Interface
Low-Temperature Solution Growth of High-Quality ZnO Thin Films andSolvent-Dependent Film Texture
Adsorption and Reaction of HfCl4 with H2O-Terminated Si(100)-2 × 1
Investigation of the Electrical and Electrochemical Properties of Nanocomposites fromV2O5, Polypyrrole, and Polyaniline
Biotemplated Synthesis of Single-Crystalline W18O49@C Core−Shell Nanorod and ItsCapacitance Properties
Facile Synthesis of Carbon-Supported IrxSey Chalcogenide Nanoparticles and TheirElectrocatalytic Activity for the Oxygen Reduction Reaction
Metal-Decorated Silica Nanowires: An Active Surface-Enhanced Raman Substrate forCancer Biomarker Detection
Theoretical Analysis of the Mechanism for the Oxidative Carbonylation of Toluene top-Toluic Acid by Rhodium Complexes
Filling Carbon Nanotubes with Co9S8 Nanowires through in Situ Catalyst Transition andExtrusion
Effect of Acid Treatment on the Structure and Electrical Properties of Nitrogen-DopedMultiwalled Carbon Nanotubes
Non-Bonded Interactions: A Hardening Factor in Nanomolecular Rods
Metal(II) Hexacyanochromate(III) MCr (M = Co, Cu, Fe) Coordination NanoparticlesStabilized by Alkyl Surface Coordination Ligand: Downsizing Effect on Their CrystalStructure and Magnetic Properties
On the Mechanisms of Hydrogen Spillover in MoO3
Synthesis of LaPO4:Eu Nanostructures Using the Sol−Gel Template Method
Enhanced Photocalytic Activity of Hollow Anatase Microspheres by Sn4+ Incorporation
Near-Field Heating, Annealing, and Signal Loss in Tip-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy
Gold Nanoparticle-Modified Carbon Nanotubes-Modified Electrodes. Using Voltammetry toMeasure the Total Length of the Nanotubes
Molecular Packing and Solid-State Fluorescence of Alkoxy-Cyano SubstitutedDiphenylbutadienes: Structure of the Luminescent Aggregates
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